Asiatic Society

Asiatic Society
Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page dhomonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.

L'Asiatic Society peut faire référence à plusieurs institutions.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Asiatic Society de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)

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  • Asiatic Society — The Asiatic Society was founded by Sir William Jones (1746 1794) on January 15, 1784 in a meeting presided over by Sir Robert Chambers, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court at the Fort William in Calcutta, then capital of the British Raj, to… …   Wikipedia

  • Asiatic Society Of Calcutta — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Asiatic Society. L Asiatic Society de Calcutta ou The Royal Asiatic Society of Bengale a été fondée par William Jones le 15 janvier 1784 à Calcutta, la capitale des Indes britanniques, en vue de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Asiatic Society of Calcutta — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Asiatic Society. L Asiatic Society de Calcutta ou The Royal Asiatic Society of Bengale a été fondée par William Jones le 15 janvier 1784 à Calcutta, la capitale des Indes britanniques, en vue de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Asiatic society of calcutta — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Asiatic Society. L Asiatic Society de Calcutta ou The Royal Asiatic Society of Bengale a été fondée par William Jones le 15 janvier 1784 à Calcutta, la capitale des Indes britanniques, en vue de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Asiatic Society (disambiguation) — Asiatic Society could refer to any of the following: #The Asiatic Society located in Kolkata, India. #Asiatic Society, Mumbai located in Mumbai, India. #Asiatic Society of Japan located in Yokohama, Japan. #The Royal Asiatic Society of Great… …   Wikipedia

  • Asiatic Society of Japan — (Nihon Ajia Kyoukai, 日本アジア協会)The Asiatic Society of Japan was founded in 1872, five years after the Meiji restoration, at Yokohama by British and American residents in particular missionaries, diplomats, businessmen etc. Ernest Mason Satow and… …   Wikipedia

  • Asiatic Society of Bombay — The Asiatic Society of Bombay is based in Mumbai, India. It can trace its origin to the Literary Society of Bombay which first met in Mumbai on 26 November 26 1804 and was founded by Sir James Mackintosh. It was formed with the intention of… …   Wikipedia

  • Asiatic Society of Bangladesh — Die Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Bengalisch: বাংলাদেশ এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটি) ist eine nichtstaatliche, gemeinnützige Gesellschaft mit Sitz in Dhaka. Sie wurde 1952 als Asiatic Society of Pakistan gegründet, seit 1972 trägt sie den heutigen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Asiatic Society of Bangladesh — The Asiatic Society of Bangladesh was established as the Asiatic Society of Pakistan in Dhaka in 1952. It was renamed as the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh in 1972. Ahmed Hasan Dani, a noted historian and archaeologist of Pakistan played an… …   Wikipedia

  • Asiatic Society of Bengal — ▪ Oriental studies society       scholarly society founded on Jan. 15, 1784, by Sir William Jones (Jones, Sir William), a British lawyer and Orientalist, to encourage Oriental studies. At its founding, Jones delivered the first of a famous series …   Universalium

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