

Quish est le fils d'Abiel de la tribu de Benjamin et du clan de Matri. C'est un homme fort et vaillant qui est un grand possesseur d'ânesses. Il envoie Saül, le plus grand et le plus beau de ses fils, chercher ses ânesses égarées, mais Quish ne les récupèrera jamais, car en chemin, Saül rencontrera le prophète Samuel qui le fera roi d'Israël.

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  • Quish — (kw[i^]sh), n. See {Cuish}. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • quish — cli·quish; re·lin·quish; re·lin·quish·ment; un·van·quish·able; van·quish·able; van·quish·er; van·quish·ment; vin·quish; van·quish; …   English syllables

  • quish — Cuish Cuish (kw?s), n. [F. cuisse thigh, fr. L. coxa hip: cf. F. cuissard, OF, cuissot, armor for the thigh, cuish. Cf. {Hough}.] Defensive armor for the thighs. [ Written also {cuisse}, and {quish}.] [1913 Webster] || …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • cli´quish|ness — cli|quish «KLEE kihsh, KLIHK ihsh», adjective. 1. like a clique: »At the start visitors would drop in, but the gathering was as cliquish as the Mafia and they would soon duck out (Alistair Cooke). 2. tending to form a clique. –cli´quish|ly,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cli´quish|ly — cli|quish «KLEE kihsh, KLIHK ihsh», adjective. 1. like a clique: »At the start visitors would drop in, but the gathering was as cliquish as the Mafia and they would soon duck out (Alistair Cooke). 2. tending to form a clique. –cli´quish|ly,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • cli|quish — «KLEE kihsh, KLIHK ihsh», adjective. 1. like a clique: »At the start visitors would drop in, but the gathering was as cliquish as the Mafia and they would soon duck out (Alistair Cooke). 2. tending to form a clique. –cli´quish|ly, adverb.… …   Useful english dictionary

  • re|lin´quish|er — re|lin|quish «rih LIHNG kwihsh», transitive verb. 1. to give up; let go; release: »The small dog relinquished his bone to the big dog. 2. to abandon: »She has relinquished all hope of going to Europe this year. 3. to renounce; resign: »to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • re|lin|quish — «rih LIHNG kwihsh», transitive verb. 1. to give up; let go; release: »The small dog relinquished his bone to the big dog. 2. to abandon: »She has relinquished all hope of going to Europe this year. 3. to renounce; resign: »to relinquish a throne …   Useful english dictionary

  • van´quish|er — van|quish «VANG kwihsh, VAN », transitive verb. 1. a) to conquer, defeat, or overcome in battle or conflict. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under defeat. (Cf. ↑defeat) b) to overcome or subdue (a person) by other than physical means: »though vanquished, he …   Useful english dictionary

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