Point Of Presence
- Point Of Presence
Un Point of Presence, acronyme PoP (littéralement « point de présence »), est une interface réseau entre deux entités de communication.
Un PoP internet est un point d'accès à internet.
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point of presence — UK US noun [countable] [singular point of presence plural points of presence] computing a telephone number that a computer calls in order to be connected to the Internet Thesaurus … Useful english dictionary
Point of Presence — [engl.], POP … Universal-Lexikon
point of presence — noun count COMPUTING a telephone number that a computer calls in order to be connected to the Internet … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Point of presence — A point of presence (POP) is an artificial demarcation point or interface point between communications entities. Telephone systemsIn the USA, this term became important during the court ordered breakup of the Bell Telephone system. A point of… … Wikipedia
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point of presence — Abbreviated POP. A connection to the telephone company or to long distance carrier services … Dictionary of networking
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