- Ob(Servant)
Ob(Servant) est le quatrième album du groupe Psycroptic, sorti en 2008 sous le label Nuclear Blast.
Liste des pistes
- Ob(Servant) - 3:23
- A Calculated Effort - 6:30
- Slaves of Nil - 6:01
- The Shifting Equilibrium - 4:27
- Removing the Common Bond - 6:00
- Horde in Devolution - 5:21
- Blood Stained Lineage - 4:54
- Immortal Army of One - 5:11
- Initiate - 8:00
Portail du metal
Catégories : Album musical sorti en 2008 | Album de Psycroptic
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Ob(Servant) de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Servant leadership — is an approach to leadership development, coined and defined by Robert Greenleaf and advanced by several authors such as Stephen Covey, Peter Block, Peter Senge, Max DePree, Margaret Wheatley, Ken Blanchard, and others. Servant leadership… … Wikipedia
servant — [ sɛrvɑ̃ ] adj. m. et n. m. • v. 1120; de servir 1 ♦ Vx (sauf en loc.) Relig. Frères servants : frères convers employés aux modestes besognes. Cavalier, chevalier servant. ♢ Dr. Assujetti à une servitude. Fonds servant (opposé à dominant) . 2 ♦ N … Encyclopédie Universelle
servant — ser·vant n: a person who serves others: as a: an individual who performs duties about the person or home of a master or personal employer b: a person in the employ and subject to the direction or control of an individual or company see also… … Law dictionary
SERVANT OF THE LORD — (Heb. צֶבֶד ה׳), the technical term used to designate the Servant mentioned explicitly or implicitly by deutero isaiah . In 1892 B. Duhm first published his commentary on Isaiah in which he separated four Servant songs from the rest of Deutero… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Servant (band) — Servant was a Canadian Christian rock group that grew out of the counter culture Jesus Movement of the sixties and seventies. The band was founded by evangelist Jim Palosaari in Victoria, British Columbia in 1976 and performed to audiences… … Wikipedia
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Servant — Serv ant, n. [OE. servant, servaunt, F. servant, a & p. pr. of servir to serve, L. servire. See {Serve}, and cf. {Sergeant}.] 1. One who serves, or does services, voluntarily or on compulsion; a person who is employed by another for menial… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Servant of servants — Servant Serv ant, n. [OE. servant, servaunt, F. servant, a & p. pr. of servir to serve, L. servire. See {Serve}, and cf. {Sergeant}.] 1. One who serves, or does services, voluntarily or on compulsion; a person who is employed by another for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Servant of God — is a title given to certain people in several different religions, but in general usage the phrase servant of God is used as a description of a person believed to be pious in his or her faith tradition. The Eastern Orthodox Churches, e.g., use… … Wikipedia
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Servant (commune) — Servant (Puy de Dôme) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Servant. Servant … Wikipédia en Français