- Novikov
Cette page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (
réelles ou fictives)
partageant un même patronyme.
Novikov (masculin ; Новиков) ou Novikova (féminin ; Новикова), parfois transcrit en Novikoff (transcription désuète) est un patronyme russe porté par plusieurs personnalités (par ordre alphabétique) :
Voir aussi
Catégories : - Homonymie de patronyme
- Patronyme russe
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Novikov de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Novikov — Novikov, Novikoff (masculine) or Novikova (feminine) is one of the most common Russian surnames. Derived from novik a teenager on military service who comes from a noble, boyar or cossack family in Russia of 16th 18th centuries. It may refer to:… … Wikipedia
Novikov — Nóvikov o Novikov es un apellido ruso, escrito Hoвикoв en el original. Su forma femenina es Novikova. Apellido Nóvikov es el apellido de: Nikolái Novikov (1744 1818), periodista y escritor ruso; Sergéi Nóvikov (1938 ), matemático ruso; Ígor… … Wikipedia Español
Novikov self-consistency principle — The Novikov self consistency principle, also known as the Novikov self consistency conjecture, is a principle developed by Russian physicist Igor Dmitriyevich Novikov in the mid 1980s to solve the problem of paradoxes in time travel, which is… … Wikipedia
Novikov–Veselov equation — In mathematics, the Novikov–Veselov equation (or Veselov–Novikov equation) is a natural (2+1) dimensional analogue of the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation. Unlike another (2+1) dimensional analogue of KdV, the Kadomtsev–Petviashvili equation, it… … Wikipedia
Novikov conjecture — This page concerns mathematician Sergei Novikov s topology conjecture. For astrophysicist Igor Novikov s conjecture regarding time travel, see Novikov self consistency principle. The Novikov conjecture is one of the most important unsolved… … Wikipedia
Novikov's compact leaf theorem — In mathematics, Novikov s compact leaf theorem, named after Sergei Novikov, states that A codimension one foliation of a compact 3 manifold whose universal covering space is not contractible must have a compact leaf. Novikov s compact leaf… … Wikipedia
Novikov, Sergey Petrovich — ▪ Russian mathematician born March 20, 1938, Gorky, Russia, U.S.S.R. [now Nizhny Novgorod, Russia] Russian mathematician who was awarded the Fields Medal in 1970 for his work in topology. Novikov graduated from Moscow State University … Universalium
Novikov's condition — In probability theory, Novikov s condition is the sufficient condition for a stochastic process which takes the form of the Radon Nikodym derivative in Girsanov s theorem to be a martingale. If satisfied together with other conditions, Girsanov s … Wikipedia
Novikov, Colonel General Aleksandr — 1900–1976 Novikov was Commander in Chief of the Soviet Air Force (VVS) from 1942 until 1946. After serving as Chief of Staff to Leningrad VVS from 1938– 1940 and as Chief of Staff of VVS on the Karelian Front during the Russo Finnish War,… … Who’s Who in World War Two
Novikov, Nikolay Ivanovich — ▪ Russian writer born April 27 [May 8, New Style], 1744, Bronnitsky, near Moscow, Russia died July 31 [Aug. 12], 1818, Bronnitsky Russian writer, philanthropist, and Freemason whose activities were intended to raise the educational and… … Universalium