Nine to Five
- Nine to Five
Comment se débarrasser de son patron
Comment se débarrasser de son patron (Nine to Five) est un film américain réalisé par Colin Higgins, sorti en 1980.
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Fiche technique
- Titre : Comment se débarrasser de son patron
- Titre original : Nine to Five
- Réalisation : Colin Higgins
- Scénario : Patricia Resnick et Colin Higgins
- Production : Bruce Gilbert
- Musique : Charles Fox
- Photographie : Reynaldo Villalobos
- Montage : Pembroke J. Herring
- Pays d'origine : États-Unis
- Format : Couleurs - 1,85:1
- Genre : Comédie
- Durée : 110 minutes
- Date de sortie : 1980
Lien externe
- Portail du cinéma
- Portail des États-Unis
- Portail des années 1980
Catégories : Film américain | Film de comédie | Titre de film en C | Film sorti en 1980
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Nine to Five de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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nine to five — adv between nine o clock and five o clock, the normal working hours of an office worker ▪ She didn t like working nine to five . >nine to five adj ▪ a nine to five job … Dictionary of contemporary English
nine-to-five — adjective a nine to five job is a normal office job, in which you usually work from nine o clock until five o clock … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
nine to five — ˌnine to ˈfive idiom the normal working hours in an office • I work nine to five. • a nine to five job Main entry: ↑nineidiom … Useful english dictionary
nine-to-five — nine to fiver, n. /nuyn teuh fuyv /, adj. Informal. 1. of, pertaining to, or during the workday, esp. the hours from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. when offices are characteristically open for business: the nine to five grind. 2. of, reflecting, or exhibiting… … Universalium
nine-to-five — [nīn′tə fīv′] adj. of or pertaining to the time between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., the period of conventional business hours and the work period of the typical office worker: also written 9 to 5 … English World dictionary
nine-to-five — I. noun also 9 to 5 ¦ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ : a job with regular daytime hours II. adjective or 9 to 5 : of, relating to, being, or having a nine to five * * * … Useful english dictionary
Nine to Five — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel: Warum eigentlich … bringen wir den Chef nicht um? Originaltitel: Nine to Five Produktionsland: USA Erscheinungsjahr: 1980 Länge: 110 Minuten Originalsprache: Englisch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nine to Five — Infobox Film | name = Nine to Five caption = original movie poster director = Colin Higgins producer = Bruce Gilbert writer = Patricia Resnick Colin Higgins starring = Jane Fonda Lily Tomlin Dolly Parton Dabney Coleman Marian Mercer Colin Higgins … Wikipedia
nine-to-five — mod. typical in terms of working hours; structured and scheduled, starting and ending at set times. (From the expression from nine to five, normal working hours.) □ I work nine to five. □ I really wanted a nine to five job until I finally got one … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
nine-to-five — adverb work nine to five to work from 9 o clock until 5 o clock; the normal working hours of an office worker nine to five adjective: a nine to five job … Longman dictionary of contemporary English