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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article NTA de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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NTA — is a three letter abbreviation which can mean several things: Net Tangible Assets Calculated as the total assets of a company, minus any intangible assets such as goodwill, patents and trademarks, less all liabilities and the par value of… … Wikipedia
NTA — ACCOUNTING written abbreviation for net * * * NTA UK US noun [plural] ► ACCOUNTING WRITTEN ABBREVIATION for NET TANGIBLE ASSETS(Cf. ↑net tangible assets) … Financial and business terms
NTA — [Abk. für gleichbed. engl. nitrilotriacetic acid]: svw. ↑ Nitrilotriessigsäure. * * * NTA, Abkürzung für englisch Nitrilotriacetidacid, Nitrilotriessigsäure … Universal-Lexikon
NTA — steht als Abkürzung für: National Television Awards, ein britischer TV Preis Naturwissenschaftlich Technische Akademie Isny, eine private Fachhochschule in Isny im Allgäu Network Termination analoger Teilnehmeranschluss, siehe Netzabschluss… … Deutsch Wikipedia
NTA — Abreviatura de necrosis tubular aguda. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
NTA — abbrev. 〚n(itrilo)t(ri)a(cetic) acid〛 a white crystalline powder, N(CH2COOH) 3, formerly used in detergents for its biodegradable qualities, but now considered a possible health hazard * * * … Universalium
NTA — abbrev. [n(itrilo)t(ri)a(cetic) acid] a white crystalline powder, N(CH2COOH) 3, formerly used in detergents for its biodegradable qualities, but now considered a possible health hazard … English World dictionary
NTA — ˌen(ˌ)tēˈā abbreviation or noun ( s) Etymology: nitrilotriacetic acid : a compound N(CH2COOH)3 used in the form of its sodium salt as a phosphate substitute in detergents * * * abbrev National Training Award(s) * * * NTA … Useful english dictionary
NTA Apartments in Vega Village Complex — (Святой Влас,Болгария) Категория отеля: Адрес: Sveti Vlas, 8 … Каталог отелей
NTA Film Network — NTA Film Network … Wikipedia