
Page d'aide sur l'homonymie Cette page dhomonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Icône de paronymie Cet article possède un paronyme, voir : Alain Morisod.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Morrisseau, Norval — ▪ 2008 “Copper Thunderbird”        North American artist born March 14, 1931/32?, Sand Point Reserve, Ont. died Dec. 4, 2007, Toronto, Ont. was the creator of the pictographic style, which was also known as “Woodland Indian art,” “legend painting …   Universalium

  • Morrisseau, Norval — (3/14/1932 nr Beardmore, Ontario 12/4/2007) (Canada); aka Copper Thunderbird / Picasso of the North Renowned self taught First Nations (Anish naabe) painter. Best known for depicting Native traditions and historical contacts with Whites in a… …   Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators

  • Norval Morrisseau — Autres noms Copper Thunderbird Activité Peintre, illustrateur, graveur Naissance 14 mars 1932 Beardmore (Ontario), Canada Décès 4 décembre 2007 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Norval Morrisseau — photographic portrait by Louie Palu Born March 14, 1932(1932 03 14) Beardmore, Ontario, Canada Died …   Wikipedia

  • Dennis Morrisseau — is a former US Army officer, a retired businessman and the first Republican to run for Congress on a platform that promises to pursue the impeachment of U.S. President George W. Bush and Richard Cheney. Morrisseau ran in his home state of Vermont …   Wikipedia

  • Fernand Morrisseau — est né en 1929 et est mort en 1972. Il était le directeur général de l imprimerie Montréal Granby. Morrisseau, au moment de son décès en 1972, cumulait les fonctions de directeur général de l Imprimerie Montréal Granby (1967) Ltée, une partie de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • First Peoples Party — The First Peoples Party (FPP) was a short lived political party in Manitoba, Canada.HistoryThe FPP was created following a 1993 resolution by the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, endorsing a political party to focus on aboriginal issues. [ Aboriginal …   Wikipedia

  • Triple K Co-operative — Incorporated was a Canadian Native run silk screen company in Red Lake, Ontario that produced high quality limited editions of several artist within the “Woodland school of Art” from 1973 till early 1980s.Triple K was based upon artistic control …   Wikipedia

  • First Nation — Totempfahl in Victoria Mit First Nations (französisch: Premières nations, deutsch: Erste Nationen) werden alle indigenen Völker in Kanada bezeichnet, ausgenommen die Métis (Nachkommen von Cree und Europäern) und die im Norden lebenden Inuit.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Selwyn Dewdney — Selwyn Hanington Dewdney (October 9, 1909 ndash;November 18, 1979) was an author, illustrator, artist, activist and pioneer in both art therapy and pictography. Early life He was born in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan on October 9, 1909 and was the… …   Wikipedia

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