Antonio Palocci
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Antonio Palocci — Filho (Cosmorama, October 4, 1960) is a Brazilian physician and politician. He was the Finance minister of the Brazilian federal government from January 1, 2003 until March 27, 2006 (when he resigned in the wake of reports of conduct unbecoming… … Wikipedia
Antonio Palocci — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El ministro de Hacienda, Antonio Palocci participa de las conmemoraciones del día 7 de septiembre, en Brasilia. Foto: Marcello Casal/Abr Antonio Palocci Filho (Ribeirão Preto, 4 de octubre de 1960) es un político y… … Wikipedia Español
Antonio Palocci — (2004) Antonio Palocci (* 4. Oktober 1960) ist ein brasilianischer Politiker der Partido dos Trabalhadores. Er war Abgeordneter, Finanzminister und Kabinettchef. Leben Palocci hat einen Abschluss in Medizin auf der Universität von São Paulo. Er… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Antonio — (port.: António) steht für: die romanische Form zu Antonius, siehe Anton (Name) Antonio oder António ist der Name folgender Personen: Namensträger: Antonio I. Acciaiuoli († 1435), Herzog von Athen Antonio da Brescia (15./16. Jh.), italienischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Timeline of Mensalão Scandal — June * June 8, 2005 A CPI is installed to investigate alleged corruption in the Post Office after the testimony of Roberto Jefferson. Workers Party treasurer Delúbio Soares denies the claims during a press conference and says that he would… … Wikipedia
Escándalo de las mensualidades — Este artículo o sección necesita una revisión de ortografía y gramática. Puedes colaborar editándolo (lee aquí sugerencias para mejorar tu ortografía). Cuando se haya corregido, borra este aviso por favor. El escándalo de las mensualidades es el… … Wikipedia Español
brazil — /breuh zil /, n. brazilwood. [1350 1400; ME brasile < ML < It < Sp brasil, deriv. of brasa live coal (the wood being red in color) < Gmc; see BRAISE] * * * Brazil Introduction Brazil Background: Following three centuries under the rule of… … Universalium
Brazil — Brazilian /breuh zil yeuhn/, adj., n. /breuh zil /, n. a republic in South America. 164,511,366; 3,286,170 sq. mi. (8,511,180 sq. km). Cap.: Brasília. Portuguese and Spanish, Brasil. Official name, Federative Republic of Brazil. * * * Brazil… … Universalium
Mensalão scandal — Roberto Jefferson was the whistleblower of the corruption scheme. The Mensalão scandal (Portuguese: Escândalo do Mensalão, IPA: [mẽsaˈlɐ̃w̃]) took place in Brazil in 2005 and threatened to bring down the government of Luiz Inácio Lula da… … Wikipedia
Dilma Rousseff — Her Excellency Dilma Rousseff … Wikipedia