- Milstein
- César Milstein (1927 - 2002)
- Nathan Milstein (1903 - 1992)
- Uri Milstein (n. 1940)
- Werner (Helmut) Milstein
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Milstein de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Milstein — may refer to: The Milstein method in mathematics Buildings Milstein Hall, a new building in the Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning developed by the Office for Metropolitan Architecture Milstein Family Hall of Ocean Life … Wikipedia
MILSTEIN — MILSTEIN, U.S. family with vast interests in real estate, banking, and philanthropy. SEYMOUR MILSTEIN (1920–2001) was born in New York City and graduated from New York University. His father, Morris, had founded Circle Floor Company, which… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Milstein — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Lewis Milestone (Lev Milstein, 1895 1980), US amerikanischer Filmregisseur, Drehbuchautor und Filmproduzent Nathan Milstein (1904–1992), US amerikanischer Violinist ukrainischer Herkunft Robert Merrill… … Deutsch Wikipedia
MILSTEIN (N.) — MILSTEIN NATHAN (1903 1992) Dernier survivant de la fameuse école de Saint Pétersbourg, Nathan Milstein est entré dans la légende du violon tant par la longévité de sa carrière que par la noblesse de son approche musicale. Nathan Mironovitch… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Milstein — puede hacer referencia a: Nathan Milstein (1903 1992), violinista de origen ruso nacionalizado estadounidense. César Milstein (1927 2002), científico argentino, ganador del premio Nobel de Medicina. Esta página de desambiguación cataloga… … Wikipedia Español
Milstein — [ mɪlstaɪn], 1) César, argentinischer Molekularbiologe, * Bahía Blanca 8. 10. 1927, ✝ Cambridge 24. 3. 2002; seit 1963 am Medical Research Council Laboratory in Cambridge (England); Arbeiten über die Struktur und Diversität der Antikörper… … Universal-Lexikon
Milstein — (izg. milstèin/ob. mìlštajn), Nathan (1904 1992) DEFINICIJA američki violinist, vrhunski izvođač Bachove glazbe … Hrvatski jezični portal
Milstein — [mil′stīn΄] Nathan 1904 92; U.S. violinist, born in Russia * * * … Universalium
Milstein — César … Scientists
Milstein — Milstein, César … Enciclopedia Universal
Milstein — [mil′stīn΄] Nathan 1904 92; U.S. violinist, born in Russia … English World dictionary