Max Warburg
- Max Warburg
Max M. Warburg (5 juin 1867 – 26 décembre 1946) était un banquier allemand et directeur entre 1910 et 1938 de M.M.Warburg & CO à Hambourg. Il était le frère de Paul Warburg.
Il vendit sa banque et émigra aux États-Unis en 1938, à cause des persécutions nazies contre les juifs.
Catégories : - Naissance en 1867
- Décès en 1946
- Banquier allemand
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Max Warburg de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Max Warburg — Max Warburg, 1904 Max Moritz Warburg (M.M. Warburg) (* 5. Juni 1867 in Hamburg; † 26. Dezember 1946 in New York) war einer der angesehensten Hamburger Bankiers seiner Zeit und Politiker. Er war Jude und deutscher Patriot zugleich … Deutsch Wikipedia
Max Warburg — Max Warburg, 1904 Max M. Warburg (5 June 1867 – 26 December 1946) was a German born Jewish banker and from 1910 until 1938, director of M.M.Warburg CO in Hamburg, Germany. Prior to his directing of the Warburg banking company, he developed… … Wikipedia
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Warburg family — The Warburg family is a German Jewish family of bankers. The Warburgs moved from Bologna to Warburg in Germany in the 16th century before moving to Altona, near Hamburg in the 17th century. Their first known ancestor was Simon von Cassel, who… … Wikipedia
Warburg Bank — M.M.Warburg CO Rechtsform Privatbank, Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien Bankleitzahl 201 201 00 … Deutsch Wikipedia
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Warburg, Aby — (1866 1929) cultural historian; employed his family s banking fortune to amass a superb library of art history. Born the eldest of seven children to the Hamburg banker Moritz Warburg, he was raised in an orthodox Jewish home. Although he broke … Historical dictionary of Weimar Republik
Warburg, Felix — (1871 1937) American banker and communal leader, brother of Max Warburg. He was born in Hamburg, and in 1894 went to the US, where he became a partner in the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. in New York. He served as chairman of the American … Dictionary of Jewish Biography
WARBURG, MAX M — WARBURG, MAX M. (1867–1946), German banker. His family, the warburgs , had been successful in private banking for more than a generation. After studying business in Germany, Great Britain, and the Netherlands, Warburg worked in his family s M.M.… … Encyclopedia of Judaism