Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
- Code AITA de l'Aéroport de Marseille Provence (dit aussi Marseille-Marignane).
- Les MRS (matières à risques spécifiés) regroupe les organes potentiellement contaminés par le prion de l'ESB.
- Le MRS, Movimiento de Renovación del Sandinismo (Mouvement de rénovation du sandinisme), au Nicaragua, est un parti politique dissident du FSLN.
- Le Mouvement républicain sénégalais, un parti politique sénégalais
- Le MRS, Mouvement Région Savoie, est un mouvement politique de Savoie.
- MRS, "Maarten's Retrieval System", est le nom d'un puissant outil informatique destiné à l'indexation des banques de séquences biologiques (acides nucléiques, protéines et données associées). MRS est un logiciel Open Source développé par Maarten Hekkelman de l'université de Nijmegen (Pays-Bas).
Mrs (UK) ou Mrs. (USA, Canada) abréviation pour mistress (madame, littéralement maîtresse). Ce titre est utilisé devant le nom des femmes mariées, par opposition à Miss.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article MRS de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Mrs — BrE Mrs. AmE [ˈmısız] 1.) used before a married woman s family name to be polite when you are speaking to her, writing to her, or talking about her →↑miss, Mrs ↑Mrs ▪ Mrs. Smith ▪ Mrs Meddeman heads the fund raising committee. ▪ Mr and Mrs David… … Dictionary of contemporary English
MRS — can refer to: * Mandibular repositioning splint * Marginal rate of substitution (economics) * Magnetic resonance spectroscopy * Materials Receipt Sheet * Mrs., an honorific title for married women, see also Mistress (form of address) * Materials… … Wikipedia
Mrs. — Mrs. 〈Abk. für engl.〉 Mistress, Missis * * * Mrs , Mrs. = Mistress. * * * Mrs., Abkürzung für Mistress. * * * Mrs. = Mistress … Universal-Lexikon
Mrs. — Mrs. Mrs. [ˈmɪsz] a title used before a married woman s family name when being polite: • Mrs Bell is out of the office at the moment. • Mrs. Hillary Clinton … Financial and business terms
Mrs — Mrs. The customary abbreviation of Mistress or Missess when used as a title of courtesy, in writing and printing; as, Mrs. Clinton is commonly called by her full name, Hillary Rodham Clinton. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Mrs P.I. — Mrs P.I. 查某人 Genre Women Investigations Idol drama / Comedy Starring Michelle Chong Cynthia Koh Apple Hong Opening theme 等 by Liu Hui Qi Wang Min Hui Ending theme … Wikipedia
Mrs. — Mrs. [ mısız ] noun *** a polite or formal title used in front of the name of a woman who is married, when talking to her or about her: Mrs. Grace Talbot Good morning Mrs. Adams … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Mrs. — Mrs. 1580s, abbreviation of MISTRESS (Cf. mistress) (q.v.), originally in all uses of that word. The plural Mmes. is an abbreviation of Fr. mesdames, plural of madame, used in English to serve as the plural of Mrs., which is lacking.… … Etymology dictionary
Mrs — Mrs. [[t]ˈmɪs ɪz, ˈmɪz ɪz[/t]] pl. Mmes. [[t]meɪˈdɑm, ˈdæm[/t]] 1) a title of respect prefixed to the name of a married woman: Mrs. Jones[/ex] 2) cvb a title prefixed to a mock surname that is used to represent possession of a particular… … From formal English to slang
Mrs — Mrs. = Mistress … Universal-Lexikon
mȓs — m 1. {{001f}}hrana koja sadrži meso i životinjske masti 2. {{001f}}vrijeme u koje je prema običajima dopušteno jesti meso i hranu koja se po propisima ubraja u mrs, opr. nemrs … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika