- Lovci
Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différentes localités partageant un même nom.
Lovci est un toponyme qui peut désigner :
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Lovci de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Lovci (Krusevac) — Lovci (Kruševac) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lovci. Lovci Ловци [[Image:|100px|center|Blason]] [[Image:|100px|center|Drapaeau]] … Wikipédia en Français
Lovci (Jagodina) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lovci. Lovci Ловци Administration Pays … Wikipédia en Français
Lovci (Kruševac) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Lovci. Lovci Ловци Administration Pays … Wikipédia en Français
lôvec — vca m (ó) 1. kdor se ukvarja z lovom: lovci gredo na lov; lovec je ustrelil zajca, zasledil srnjaka; izkušen, strasten lovec; lovec s puško in psom; lovci in ribiči / divji lovec ki se ukvarja z divjim lovom; poklicni lovec; šalj. nedeljski lovec … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Kvinton — (music band) Ptuj, Slovenia (EU) Biography: Band Kvinton formed in the late 90 s by Marjan and Goran, frontliners of Steriermarks punk and alternative scene. At first, it was a duo but the band soon had more members.Bostjan was the first one to… … Wikipedia
Venus of Dolní Věstonice — The Venus of Dolní Věstonice ( cz. Věstonická Venuše) is a Venus figurine, a ceramic statuette of a nude female figure dated to 29,000 ndash;25,000 BCE (Gravettian industry), which was found at a Paleolithic site in the Moravian basin south of… … Wikipedia
Eduard Štorch — (April 10 1878, Ostroměř ndash; June 25 1956, Prague) was a Czech pedagogue, archaeologist and writer, known for novels set in prehistoric Bohemia during Stone and Bronze Age.Štorch was born in Ostroměř, a village near town Hořice. He studied at… … Wikipedia
List of cities, towns and villages in Serbia — This is the complete list of settlements in Serbia without Kosovo, as recorded by 2002 census, sorted by municipalities. Settlements denoted as urban (towns and cities) are marked bold. Population for every settlement is given in brackets. The… … Wikipedia
List of settlements in Serbia (alphabetic) — This is the complete list of settlements in Serbia without Kosovo, as recorded by 2002 census, in alphabetic order. Settlements denoted as urban (towns and cities) are marked bold. Population for every settlement is given in brackets. The same… … Wikipedia
Miroslav Zikmund — (* 14. Februar 1919 in Pilsen) ist ein tschechischer Weltreisender und Schriftsteller. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia