- Liste d'étoiles de la Poupe
Cet article recense les étoiles situées dans la constellation de la Poupe, classées par magnitude apparente décroissante.
Nom B F HD HIP a dec Magnitude apparente Magnitude absolue Dist. (al) Type Notes ζ Pup ζ 66811 39429 08h 03m 35,07s −40° 00′ 11,5″ 2,21 −5,95 1399 O5IAf Naos, Suhail Hadar, Muliphein π Pup π 56855 35264 07h 17m 08,56s −37° 05′ 51,0″ 2,71 −4,92 1094 K3Ib Ahadi ρ Pup ρ 15 67523 39757 08h 07m 32,70s −24° 18′ 16,0″ 2,83 1,41 63 F2mF5IIp Tureis τ Pup τ 50310 32768 06h 49m 56,14s −50° 36′ 51,8″ 2,94 −0,80 183 K0III... Altaleban, Taleban ν Pup ν 47670 31685 06h 37m 45,67s −43° 11′ 45,3″ 3,17 −2,39 423 B8III SB Kaimana σ Pup σ 59717 36377 07h 29m 13,88s −43° 18′ 06,8″ 3,25 −0,51 184 K5III SB Hadir ξ Pup ξ 7 63700 38170 07h 49m 17,66s −24° 51′ 35,2″ 3,34 −4,74 1347 G6Ia Asmidiske, Azmidiske HD 63032 c 63032 37819 07h 45m 15,30s −37° 58′ 07,0″ 3,62 −4,52 1387 K4III HD 64440 a 64440 38414 07h 52m 13,05s −40° 34′ 32,9″ 3,71 −1,41 345 G5III... 3 Pup l 3 62623 37677 07h 43m 48,47s −28° 57′ 17,4″ 3,94 A2Iab HD 63922 P 63922 38164 07h 49m 14,30s −46° 22′ 23,6″ 4,10 −4,80 1964 B0III 11 Pup j 11 65228 38835 07h 56m 51,56s −22° 52′ 48,5″ 4,20 −1,74 502 F7/F8II HD 64760 J 64760 38518 07h 53m 18,16s −48° 06′ 10,6″ 4,22 −4,65 1940 B0.5Ib ο Pup ο 63462 38070 07h 48m 05,17s −25° 56′ 13,8″ 4,40 −5,00 2470 B1IV:nne 16 Pup 16 67797 39906 08h 09m 01,64s −19° 14′ 42,0″ 4,40 −1,41 472 B5V HD 56096 L² 56096 34922 07h 13m 32,23s −44° 38′ 25,9″ 4,42 0,50 198 M5e HD 69142 h² 69142 40326 08h 14m 02,89s −40° 20′ 51,8″ 4,42 −0,47 310 K1II/III 60532 36795 07h 34m 03,21s −22° 17′ 46,3″ 4,44 2,39 84 F6V HD 68553 h1 68553 40091 08h 11m 21,50s −39° 37′ 06,8″ 4,44 −4,36 1874 K4III HD 70060 q 70060 40706 08h 18m 33,39s −36° 39′ 34,3″ 4,44 2,16 93 A4m... V Pup 65818 38957 07h 58m 14,44s −49° 14′ 41,7″ 4,47 −3,29 1164 B1Vp + B2 HD 55892 I 55892 34834 07h 12m 33,74s −46° 45′ 34,4″ 4,49 2,86 69 F0IV HD 64503 b 64503 38455 07h 52m 38,65s −38° 51′ 46,2″ 4,49 −1,98 640 B2V HD 61330 f 61330 37096 07h 37m 22,12s −34° 58′ 06,9″ 4,53 −0,67 358 B8IV/V 65810 39095 07h 59m 52,06s −18° 23′ 56,9″ 4,61 0,29 238 A1V 1 Pup 1 62576 37648 07h 43m 32,40s −28° 24′ 39,4″ 4,63 −2,75 976 K5III 64740 38500 07h 53m 03,64s −49° 36′ 47,1″ 4,63 −2,09 720 B1.5Vp HD 57150 v1 57150 35363 07h 18m 18,40s −36° 44′ 02,3″ 4,65 −2,42 847 B2V+... 59890 36514 07h 30m 42,61s −30° 57′ 44,2″ 4,65 −4,00 1753 G2Ib... HD 60863 p 60863 36917 07h 35m 22,94s −28° 22′ 09,4″ 4,65 0,46 225 B8V HD 61429 m 61429 37173 07h 38m 18,05s −25° 21′ 53,2″ 4,69 −1,45 551 B8IV HD 63744 Q 63744 38089 07h 48m 20,25s −47° 04′ 39,1″ 4,69 0,48 227 K0III 19 Pup 19 68290 40084 08h 11m 16,32s −12° 55′ 37,3″ 4,72 0,95 185 K0III 68601 40096 08h 11m 25,90s −42° 59′ 14,2″ 4,73 −6,04 4657 A7Ib 56456 35020 07h 14m 38,14s −48° 16′ 18,9″ 4,75 −0,43 354 B8/B9V χ Pup χ 65456 38901 07h 57m 40,11s −30° 20′ 04,5″ 4,76 −3,47 1442 A7III HD 68980 r 68980 40274 08h 13m 29,52s −35° 53′ 58,4″ 4,78 −2,61 979 B2ne 60414 36773 07h 33m 47,97s −14° 31′ 26,0″ 4,82 −5,25 3361 A4Ia HD 54893 A 54893 34495 07h 08m 51,08s −39° 39′ 20,4″ 4,83 −1,98 751 B3IV/V HD 70555 w 70555 40945 08h 21m 23,03s −33° 03′ 15,7″ 4,83 −2,22 838 K2/K3III HD 61831 d1 61831 37297 07h 39m 27,35s −38° 18′ 29,0″ 4,84 −1,39 574 B3V 59612 36431 07h 29m 51,41s −23° 01′ 27,5″ 4,85 −5,13 3228 A6Ib/II HD 56022 L1 56022 34899 07h 13m 13,37s −45° 10′ 57,1″ 4,87 1,14 181 Ap HD 53811 H 53811 34059 07h 03m 53,66s −49° 35′ 03,3″ 4,92 1,07 192 A4IV 51799 33357 06h 56m 15,99s −48° 43′ 16,2″ 4,94 −2,62 1062 M1III 140 Pup 140 61772 37379 07h 40m 23,21s −15° 15′ 49,9″ 4,98 −1,60 676 K3III 50235 32855 06h 50m 52,35s −34° 22′ 02,4″ 4,99 −2,23 906 K2/K3III 20 Pup 20 68752 40259 08h 13m 19,98s −15° 47′ 17,6″ 4,99 −2,89 1230 G5Ib/II 212 Pup 212 64379 38423 07h 52m 15,80s −34° 42′ 21,7″ 5,01 3,73 59 F3/F5V 56779 35226 07h 16m 49,42s −36° 35′ 33,5″ 5,03 −2,31 959 B3V 4 Pup 4 62952 37891 07h 45m 56,88s −14° 33′ 49,8″ 5,03 0,73 236 F2V 62644 37606 07h 42m 57,16s −45° 10′ 18,4″ 5,04 3,13 79 G5IV Y Pup 47973 31765 06h 38m 37,63s −48° 13′ 12,8″ 5,05 −0,58 436 G8III HD 60584 n 60584 36817 07h 34m 18,67s −23° 28′ 25,2″ 5,06 2,74 95 F6V HD 52092 t 52092 33558 06h 58m 25,11s −34° 06′ 42,2″ 5,07 −1,77 760 B4IV/V 63465 38010 07h 47m 25,00s −38° 30′ 40,2″ 5,07 −2,83 1240 B2IV/V HD 65551 N 65551 38872 07h 57m 18,43s −44° 06′ 35,6″ 5,08 −2,90 1283 B2.5IV 12 Pup 12 65699 39023 07h 59m 05,72s −23° 18′ 37,4″ 5,09 −1,82 786 G8II 69081 40321 08h 13m 58,32s −36° 19′ 20,3″ 5,09 −2,70 1177 B2V: HD 57219 v² 57219 35406 07h 18m 38,19s −36° 44′ 33,9″ 5,11 −1,93 836 A0V 55526 34670 07h 10m 47,50s −48° 55′ 57,3″ 5,12 0,21 313 K2III W Pup 62713 37664 07h 43m 41,83s −40° 56′ 00,0″ 5,12 1,02 215 K1III X Pup 50223 32765 06h 49m 54,62s −46° 36′ 55,7″ 5,14 3,13 82 F5III HD 65685 O 65685 38917 07h 57m 51,73s −45° 34′ 39,9″ 5,14 0,32 300 K2III 9 Pup 9 64096 38382 07h 51m 46,34s −13° 53′ 49,9″ 5,16 4,05 54 G2V 6 Pup 6 63697 38211 07h 49m 41,17s −17° 13′ 41,2″ 5,17 0,72 253 K3III 70556 40943 08h 21m 21,05s −36° 29′ 03,1″ 5,18 −3,31 1630 B2IV-V+... HD 53704 C 53704 34081 07h 04m 02,81s −42° 20′ 14,8″ 5,20 0,27 315 Am 63578 38020 07h 47m 31,51s −46° 36′ 30,6″ 5,22 −3,33 1672 B1V 65925 39061 07h 59m 28,43s −39° 17′ 48,6″ 5,22 1,41 189 F3V HD 57240 F 57240 35393 07h 18m 33,52s −39° 12′ 37,1″ 5,24 −0,55 469 A0V 66888 39487 08h 04m 16,19s −32° 40′ 29,4″ 5,25 −4,03 2345 M2II HD 49591 x 49591 32537 06h 47m 21,41s −37° 55′ 46,8″ 5,27 0,24 331 B8/B9V 46273 30953 06h 29m 49,13s −50° 14′ 20,3″ 5,28 1,71 169 F2V HD 55719 E 55719 34802 07h 12m 15,82s −40° 29′ 55,6″ 5,30 −0,32 434 A3p... 188 Pup 188 63660 38146 07h 49m 01,70s −24° 54′ 44,1″ 5,32 0,35 321 G2 71176 41260 08h 25m 03,76s −24° 02′ 46,5″ 5,32 −0,64 506 K4/K5III 67456 39734 08h 07m 18,05s −20° 33′ 15,6″ 5,33 −2,54 1221 A3Ib/II 171 Pup 171 63077 37853 07h 45m 35,18s −34° 10′ 35,6″ 5,36 4,45 50 G0V 65460 38846 07h 56m 57,81s −43° 30′ 01,5″ 5,36 −2,32 1120 B2.5V HD 59635 y 59635 36363 07h 29m 05,71s −38° 48′ 43,6″ 5,41 −0,75 556 B3V 62226 37450 07h 41m 15,83s −38° 32′ 00,9″ 5,41 −0,98 617 B3V HD 60606 z 60606 36778 07h 33m 51,05s −36° 20′ 18,2″ 5,42 −2,54 1273 B2Vne 64572 38497 07h 53m 03,51s −36° 21′ 49,6″ 5,44 −1,39 756 K1IIICN... 71459 41323 08h 25m 51,92s −42° 09′ 11,2″ 5,45 −1,53 813 B3V 5 Pup 5 63336 38048 07h 47m 56,78s −12° 11′ 34,4″ 5,48 3,08 99 F5+... 64802 38593 07h 54m 11,01s −35° 52′ 38,3″ 5,48 −1,47 801 B2V 66624 39360 08h 02m 44,79s −41° 18′ 35,5″ 5,52 −0,35 486 Ap Si 71377 41395 08h 26m 42,01s −12° 32′ 04,3″ 5,52 0,95 268 K1/K2III 18 Pup 18 68146 40035 08h 10m 39,98s −13° 47′ 57,7″ 5,53 3,77 73 F7V 59256 36258 07h 27m 59,17s −29° 09′ 21,2″ 5,55 −1,03 674 B9Vsp... 53705 34065 07h 03m 57,40s −43° 36′ 32,3″ 5,56 4,51 53 G3V... 70442 40944 08h 21m 21,22s −20° 04′ 44,4″ 5,58 −0,12 450 A3V 70002 40678 08h 18m 17,39s −35° 27′ 06,1″ 5,59 0,08 413 K2III 62578 37623 07h 43m 12,00s −36° 03′ 00,4″ 5,60 −0,72 598 B5V 63852 38200 07h 49m 35,43s −33° 17′ 20,2″ 5,61 −1,02 691 M0III 62747 37751 07h 44m 34,17s −24° 40′ 26,7″ 5,62 −3,16 1863 B2II 64152 38375 07h 51m 43,05s −21° 10′ 25,5″ 5,62 1,00 274 K0III 56813 35181 07h 16m 15,47s −46° 46′ 28,6″ 5,64 −0,99 692 K4III 60341 36732 07h 33m 19,55s −19° 24′ 44,5″ 5,64 0,88 292 K0III 62412 37590 07h 42m 48,15s −26° 21′ 04,5″ 5,64 0,59 333 K1III 60855 36981 07h 36m 03,90s −14° 29′ 34,0″ 5,66 −2,87 1655 B2/3V(n) 67880 39943 08h 09m 28,54s −16° 14′ 56,1″ 5,66 −1,59 921 B4V 71141 41242 08h 24m 55,20s −23° 09′ 13,7″ 5,67 −0,76 631 A1III/IV HD 61715 y³ 61715 37174 07h 38m 18,21s −48° 36′ 05,2″ 5,68 −5,26 5015 F4Iab 61068 37036 07h 36m 41,04s −19° 42′ 08,5″ 5,69 −2,89 1698 B2II HD 61391 y² 61391 37043 07h 36m 43,93s −48° 49′ 48,6″ 5,69 −0,23 497 B9V 10 Pup 10 64238 38427 07h 52m 18,88s −14° 50′ 46,2″ 5,69 −2,11 1185 F2IV/V 70523 40990 08h 21m 54,66s −17° 35′ 10,7″ 5,71 0,99 286 K0III 56455 35029 07h 14m 46,03s −46° 50′ 58,8″ 5,72 0,14 425 A0p HD 61878 d² 61878 37322 07h 39m 43,83s −38° 08′ 21,6″ 5,73 −0,64 612 B5V HD 45572 G 45572 30591 06h 25m 43,66s −48° 10′ 36,7″ 5,76 −0,82 675 B9V HD 61899 d³ 61899 37329 07h 39m 47,88s −38° 15′ 38,4″ 5,76 −1,91 1116 B3III 69123 40344 08h 14m 13,29s −35° 29′ 24,3″ 5,77 1,56 227 K1III 59550 36362 07h 29m 04,92s −31° 27′ 22,4″ 5,78 −1,95 1144 B2IV 60666 36848 07h 34m 34,83s −27° 00′ 44,8″ 5,78 0,87 313 K1III HD 61641 e 61641 37223 07h 38m 43,90s −36° 29′ 48,6″ 5,78 −1,58 964 B3III HD 54475 D 54475 34339 07h 07m 07,09s −40° 53′ 35,9″ 5,80 −1,26 842 B3V 62781 37710 07h 44m 09,74s −36° 03′ 45,8″ 5,80 2,61 142 F0IV 56733 35202 07h 16m 31,86s −38° 19′ 08,2″ 5,81 −0,78 679 B4V 63949 38159 07h 49m 12,87s −46° 51′ 27,9″ 5,82 −3,03 1918 B1.5IV 66598 39380 08h 03m 04,17s −32° 27′ 48,9″ 5,83 −0,18 518 K2/K3III 60345 36721 07h 33m 09,78s −24° 42′ 38,8″ 5,84 0,98 306 A3III HD 57197 M 57197 35347 07h 18m 04,26s −43° 59′ 12,4″ 5,86 −0,54 621 B8II/III HD 60585 n 60585 07h 34m 19,10s −23° 28′ 29,0″ 5,87 63215 37915 07h 46m 10,56s −37° 56′ 01,3″ 5,87 −0,57 632 B5V 70761 41074 08h 22m 49,94s −26° 20′ 53,6″ 5,88 F2Iab 62893 37752 07h 44m 34,20s −37° 56′ 34,6″ 5,89 −0,46 608 B8V 64225 38267 07h 50m 23,88s −50° 30′ 33,7″ 5,89 1,39 259 K2III 59026 36143 07h 26m 42,47s −34° 08′ 26,5″ 5,90 −1,47 973 B4V 63271 37995 07h 47m 12,56s −22° 31′ 10,3″ 5,90 −1,51 988 B1/B2V 66358 39251 08h 01m 37,53s −37° 17′ 01,4″ 5,90 −0,41 595 A3IV 61774 37364 07h 40m 13,53s −19° 39′ 39,2″ 5,92 −0,80 720 K0III 41742 28790 06h 04m 40,17s −45° 04′ 46,4″ 5,93 3,77 88 F4V 50445 32938 06h 51m 42,45s −36° 13′ 48,5″ 5,94 2,23 180 A3V 55718 34817 07h 12m 25,83s −36° 32′ 39,8″ 5,94 −1,27 903 B4V 63786 38167 07h 49m 14,65s −35° 14′ 35,9″ 5,94 0,11 478 B9V 56410 35054 07h 14m 57,15s −41° 25′ 35,1″ 5,95 −0,19 552 B4III/IV 59499 36345 07h 28m 51,16s −31° 50′ 54,3″ 5,95 −0,31 582 B3V+... HD 69830 69830 40693 08h 18m 23,78s −12° 37′ 47,2″ 5,95 5,45 41 K0V Trois exoplanètes de la masse de Neptune, ceinture d'astéroïdes 71267 41328 08h 25m 55,60s −14° 55′ 47,1″ 5,96 0,91 333 A3m... 71302 41250 08h 24m 57,22s −42° 46′ 11,5″ 5,97 −3,92 3105 B3V 59136 36236 07h 27m 42,94s −22° 51′ 33,1″ 5,98 −1,18 881 B5III 65904 39014 07h 59m 01,81s −45° 12′ 57,1″ 5,98 −1,61 1076 B4V HD 61925 d4 61925 37345 07h 39m 57,99s −37° 34′ 45,9″ 5,99 −2,10 1353 B4III 66210 39122 08h 00m 14,72s −48° 58′ 53,8″ 6,01 0,70 377 A2V 71196 41282 08h 25m 19,02s −21° 02′ 46,0″ 6,01 3,36 111 F2/F3V 63118 37823 07h 45m 18,05s −43° 45′ 09,2″ 6,02 −1,15 886 B6IV 65211 38732 07h 55m 46,60s −43° 50′ 42,2″ 6,02 −1,08 856 B6V 59438 36395 07h 29m 21,98s −14° 59′ 53,1″ 6,05 3,39 111 F5V 64365 38370 07h 51m 40,36s −42° 53′ 17,6″ 6,05 −2,61 1762 B2IV 2 Pup A 2 62864 37843 07h 45m 29,14s −14° 41′ 25,7″ 6,06 0,85 359 A6/A7 69080 40341 08h 14m 11,04s −32° 08′ 26,6″ 6,07 −2,35 1575 B2V 71487 41361 08h 26m 17,74s −39° 03′ 32,3″ 6,07 −0,30 613 B9IV/V 54153 34253 07h 06m 02,26s −38° 22′ 58,4″ 6,09 −0,44 660 G0III 65442 38845 07h 56m 57,81s −42° 24′ 23,5″ 6,09 −0,58 703 K3III 60646 36807 07h 34m 12,86s −33° 27′ 48,9″ 6,11 1,39 287 A9IV 63822 38246 07h 50m 05,67s −19° 31′ 24,8″ 6,11 −2,69 1874 K1III 69082 40324 08h 13m 58,71s −36° 20′ 26,9″ 6,11 −2,18 1482 B2IV/V 14 Pup 14 66834 39524 08h 04m 41,42s −19° 43′ 41,4″ 6,12 −2,30 1575 B3III 70302 40876 08h 20m 27,36s −22° 55′ 28,8″ 6,12 −0,58 712 G8/K0III 66255 39153 08h 00m 28,97s −48° 52′ 18,4″ 6,13 −2,20 1509 A0p 22 Pup 22 70673 41067 08h 22m 46,87s −13° 03′ 16,8″ 6,13 0,63 411 K0III 58634 35960 07h 24m 47,36s −37° 17′ 28,5″ 6,14 −0,50 694 A8V 63640 38074 07h 48m 08,55s −40° 39′ 08,3″ 6,14 −0,19 600 M2III 64876 38635 07h 54m 39,93s −34° 50′ 48,1″ 6,14 −0,45 678 K4III 53952 34200 07h 05m 32,05s −34° 46′ 40,1″ 6,15 2,42 182 F2V 67243 39617 08h 05m 44,89s −33° 34′ 10,0″ 6,15 −3,94 3396 G1Ib 69511 40485 08h 15m 58,83s −35° 54′ 11,5″ 6,15 −2,67 1895 K2III 70612 40947 08h 21m 24,18s −39° 37′ 14,6″ 6,15 2,01 219 A4V 48383 32007 06h 41m 14,17s −40° 20′ 59,5″ 6,16 −1,40 1058 B4V 62082 37465 07h 41m 23,53s −22° 20′ 12,3″ 6,16 −0,95 860 M0/M1III 49336 32434 06h 46m 12,16s −37° 46′ 31,3″ 6,19 −2,05 1449 B3Vne 61642 37202 07h 38m 32,53s −38° 46′ 53,0″ 6,20 0,79 393 G8III 60325 36736 07h 33m 22,19s −14° 20′ 17,9″ 6,21 −2,12 1509 B2II 65598 38879 07h 57m 20,08s −47° 53′ 26,6″ 6,21 −1,24 1009 B5V 67977 39920 08h 09m 10,19s −35° 27′ 18,2″ 6,21 0,82 389 G8III 69445 40476 08h 15m 52,57s −30° 55′ 33,3″ 6,22 1,07 349 G6:III+... 51825 33451 06h 57m 17,61s −35° 30′ 25,9″ 6,23 3,05 141 F5V 52362 33590 06h 58m 41,74s −45° 46′ 03,3″ 6,23 0,66 424 A0V 63655 38184 07h 49m 28,81s −13° 21′ 10,5″ 6,23 −2,57 1874 B8/B9II 51266 33139 06h 54m 02,31s −50° 36′ 43,7″ 6,24 2,59 175 K0/K1III 42448 29129 06h 08m 34,64s −44° 21′ 22,4″ 6,26 −0,55 751 B8II 59235 36264 07h 28m 01,92s −26° 50′ 20,4″ 6,26 −0,28 664 K4III 51682 33394 06h 56m 45,70s −35° 20′ 28,9″ 6,27 −0,21 644 K2III 60559 36728 07h 33m 13,17s −40° 03′ 30,7″ 6,27 −0,30 672 B8IV (p Si) 68242 39974 08h 09m 47,70s −42° 38′ 27,0″ 6,27 −1,12 979 B+... 42834 29304 06h 10m 39,93s −45° 16′ 55,2″ 6,28 −0,26 663 A0V 48543 32091 06h 42m 16,39s −38° 23′ 55,7″ 6,28 1,48 298 A+... 65183 38792 07h 56m 22,72s −30° 17′ 04,3″ 6,28 −1,59 1221 M5/M6III 66812 39420 08h 03m 29,62s −42° 56′ 54,0″ 6,28 −0,61 780 G8II 70946 41107 08h 23m 16,93s −38° 17′ 09,8″ 6,28 −1,88 1399 M2III 48797 32208 06h 43m 23,35s −39° 11′ 35,1″ 6,30 0,17 549 A8:+... 57299 35463 07h 19m 13,70s −33° 43′ 37,7″ 6,31 −0,45 734 K2/K3III 63291 37939 07h 46m 33,45s −37° 46′ 21,0″ 6,31 0,00 597 K3III 63302 38031 07h 47m 38,53s −15° 59′ 26,5″ 6,31 −2,91 2280 K3Iab/b 66435 39299 08h 02m 06,13s −37° 03′ 00,3″ 6,31 −0,70 823 M3III 51208 33189 06h 54m 26,68s −42° 21′ 56,2″ 6,32 −1,79 1364 C3II 58420 35893 07h 23m 58,34s −35° 50′ 16,3″ 6,32 −0,33 697 B5V 63948 38183 07h 49m 28,32s −44° 45′ 04,4″ 6,32 1,30 329 K0III 21 Pup 21 69665 40604 08h 17m 23,14s −16° 17′ 06,3″ 6,32 −0,78 858 A1V 63401 37982 07h 47m 05,77s −39° 19′ 51,7″ 6,33 −0,28 685 Ap Si 61227 37089 07h 37m 16,93s −23° 46′ 31,5″ 6,34 −9,14 40750 F0Ib 63696 38206 07h 49m 39,98s −14° 05′ 07,3″ 6,34 −0,96 939 K5III 64287 38355 07h 51m 20,34s −43° 05′ 42,9″ 6,34 −2,09 1583 B2IV-V 41700 28764 06h 04m 28,51s −45° 02′ 13,9″ 6,35 4,22 87 G0IV-V 60312 36657 07h 32m 22,28s −35° 57′ 40,3″ 6,35 −0,43 739 B8V 66005 39035 07h 59m 12,31s −49° 58′ 36,7″ 6,35 −1,63 1283 B2IV-V 66885 39514 08h 04m 32,65s −25° 41′ 58,9″ 6,35 −0,66 823 K5/M0III 67888 39866 08h 08m 37,65s −37° 40′ 52,5″ 6,36 −2,32 1772 B3V 8 Pup 8 64077 38372 07h 51m 40,88s −12° 49′ 09,8″ 6,37 2,00 244 F3IV 66006 39038 07h 59m 13,57s −49° 58′ 25,6″ 6,37 −0,68 838 B2IV-V 67751 39876 08h 08m 43,58s −20° 21′ 47,4″ 6,37 −1,87 1449 A3III 61453 37128 07h 37m 45,03s −38° 00′ 38,1″ 6,38 0,18 566 K4III 63323 38037 07h 47m 45,21s −16° 00′ 52,1″ 6,38 −2,95 2397 K5II/III 69002 40291 08h 13m 41,05s −33° 34′ 10,4″ 6,38 1,07 377 K2III 52703 33774 07h 00m 49,74s −33° 27′ 56,6″ 6,39 0,85 418 G8II/III 63112 37951 07h 46m 44,72s −12° 40′ 31,1″ 6,39 −0,96 962 B9III 60951 36986 07h 36m 07,42s −22° 09′ 37,7″ 6,40 −0,23 691 K1II 61589 37289 07h 39m 24,20s −16° 50′ 50,1″ 6,40 −0,15 667 K3III 68862 40220 08h 12m 51,56s −37° 55′ 28,1″ 6,40 0,22 561 A3V 62318 37461 07h 41m 21,72s −44° 37′ 55,8″ 6,41 −1,31 1140 B7IV/V 50621 32918 06h 51m 32,56s −48° 17′ 33,8″ 6,42 −0,22 695 K2/K3III 62712 37666 07h 43m 42,93s −38° 12′ 06,9″ 6,42 0,17 580 B8IV 68450 40063 08h 11m 01,69s −37° 17′ 32,6″ 6,42 −2,96 2451 B0III 69904 40639 08h 17m 46,15s −36° 04′ 03,3″ 6,42 −4,18 4289 M0III + A3/5 61750 37375 07h 40m 21,02s −11° 45′ 09,1″ 6,43 0,34 538 K2 64042 38316 07h 51m 00,08s −24° 31′ 42,6″ 6,43 0,48 505 B9.5V 69879 40656 08h 17m 58,26s −30° 00′ 13,3″ 6,43 0,65 466 K0III 53253 33909 07h 02m 15,48s −43° 24′ 13,9″ 6,44 0,95 408 A0V 70235 40787 08h 19m 29,52s −34° 35′ 24,5″ 6,44 −0,55 815 B8Ib/II 71231 41306 08h 25m 39,37s −17° 26′ 21,9″ 6,44 −0,21 698 K1III 64181 38292 07h 50m 42,52s −44° 34′ 47,9″ 6,45 0,27 561 G6III 64974 38686 07h 55m 13,87s −30° 55′ 03,8″ 6,45 −1,54 1294 K4III 63399 37996 07h 47m 14,62s −36° 04′ 25,2″ 6,46 0,87 428 K1III 65638 38925 07h 57m 54,79s −40° 47′ 03,7″ 6,46 0,24 573 K0III 50860 33015 06h 52m 47,14s −43° 58′ 32,2″ 6,47 0,90 424 B8V 54179 34177 07h 05m 16,39s −50° 21′ 36,5″ 6,47 −0,44 787 K3III 42168 28988 06h 07m 01,83s −45° 05′ 29,8″ 6,48 1,19 372 K1III 42683 29185 06h 09m 23,43s −49° 33′ 46,8″ 6,48 2,58 196 F8V 63734 38209 07h 49m 40,80s −19° 30′ 19,7″ 6,49 0,96 417 K2III 61672 37293 07h 39m 26,98s −26° 51′ 47,1″ 6,50 −0,50 819 B6V 67408 39730 08h 07m 16,03s −17° 22′ 07,7″ 6,50 0,05 637 K1III 2 Pup B 2 62863 37842 07h 45m 28,74s −14° 41′ 10,0″ 7,03 1,57 402 A0/A1V Voir aussi
Liens internes
- ESA, « The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues », 1997. Consulté le 26 décembre 2006
- Natalya Dmitrievna Kostyuk, « HD-DM-GC-HR-HIP-Bayer-Flamsteed Cross Index », 2002. Consulté le 26 décembre 2006
- N. G. Roman, « Identification of a Constellation from a Position », 1987. Consulté le 26 décembre 2006
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.