Kyrillos II

Kyrillos II

Kyrillos Papadopoulos (en grec Κύριλλος Παπαδόπουλος) (1845-1916), surnommé Kyrillatsos ("gros Kyrillos"), fut évêque de Larnaca puis archevêque de Chypre entre 1909 et 1916.

Il nait pendant l'occupation de Chypre par l'Empire ottoman, dans le village de Prodromos près de Limassol en 1845. Il étudia à Jérusalem à l'École de théologie de la Sainte-Croix (Θεολογική Σχολή του Τιμίου Σταυρού) entre 1866 et 1872. Il enseigna à l'École grecque de Nicosie. He was elected legislature of Nicosia-Kyrenia but he gave up because he didn't find the name of himself in the election directories for vote. Then he was member of the Law Council of Cyprus between (1889-1911).

He was a Committee member of Paphos (1888-89)metropolis and then was elected Metropolitan of Kyrenia (1889-93). As a metropolitan of Kyrenia, he did big efforts to re-join the Linobabakoi (people who became muslims and were hided Christians) in the Orthodox Church of Cyprus.

After the death of the Metropolitan of Kitium (Larnaca), he was elected metropolitan of that metropolis. During his authority under that metropolis, the first Greek flag in Cyprus was risen officially in the Trooditissa Monastery in September 6, 1902. He was a founder of the Pancyprian Gymnasium (High School).

After the death of Sophronius II, he was elected Archbishop of Cyprus in 1909.

He was considered a staunch supporter for the departure of the British from the island of the union of Cyprus with Greece. He opponent Kyrillos III was more amenable to the British presence. Their antagonism flared after the British Crown Commissioner, Sir Charles Harman, passed a law regulating the election of the Archbishop, in 1907. The disagreement between the two Cypriot prelates eventually involved the Greek Patriarchates of Constantinople, Jerusalem and Alexandria. The two religious leaders were finally re-concilled following the intervention of the Greek government, in February 1910.

After he gave up as Archbishop he became president of the Greek Educational Institutions in Cyprus until his death in 1916.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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