Concours d'élégance
- Concours d'élégance
Les concours d'élégance sont des manifestations automobiles, souvent organisés par des clubs automobiles, destinés à exposer les plus belles voitures et à les faire « défiler », à l'image des mannequins dans le monde de la mode.
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concours d’élégance — /dā lā gãs/ noun A competition among cars in which marks are allotted for appearance, not speed ● concours … Useful english dictionary
Concours d'Elegance — A Concours d Elegance (from French meaning a competition of elegance, lit. concourse of elegance , referring to the gathering of prestigious cars) dates back to 17th Century French aristocracy, who paraded horse drawn carriages in the parks of… … Wikipedia
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Concours d'Elegance — Ein Concours d’Elegance ist ein Treffen von Besitzern in der Regel höchstwertiger, im Bestzustand befindlicher historischer Automobile, bei denen die Oldtimer in einem Wettbewerb um Zustand, Originalität, Schönheit und oft auch Historie bewertet… … Deutsch Wikipedia
concours d'elegance — noun (plural concours d elegance) Etymology: French concours d élégance, literally, competition of elegance Date: 1950 a show or contest of vehicles and accessories in which the entries are judged chiefly on excellence of appearance and turnout … New Collegiate Dictionary
concours d'élégance — Fr. /kawonn koohrdd day lay gahonns /; Eng. /kong koor del i gahns , gans /, pl. concours d élégance Fr. /kawonn koohrdd day lay gahonns /; Eng. /kong koorz del i gahns , gans /. a public exhibition and competition in which automobiles or other… … Universalium
concours d'elegance — rˌdālāˈgäⁿs noun Etymology: French concours d élégance, literally, contest of elegance : a show or contest of vehicles or equipages in which the contestants are judged chiefly on excellence of appearance and turnout rather than road worthiness … Useful english dictionary
concours d'élégance — con•cours d é•lé•gance fr. [[t]kɔ̃ kur deɪ leɪˈgɑ̃s[/t]] n. cvb fot a public exhibition and competition in which automobiles or other vehicles are judged, chiefly on the basis of elegance and beauty • Etymology: 1935–40; < F: lit., elegance… … From formal English to slang
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concours d'elegance — See concours … Dictionary of automotive terms