Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
APQ peut être aussi un sigle pour :
- Administration portuaire de Québec
- Administrations portuaires du Québec
- Archives de la province du Québec
- Association des paraplégiques du Québec
- Association des parodontistes du Québec
- Association des pathologistes du Québec
- Association des pédiatres du Québec
- Association des propriétaires du Québec
- Association des prospecteurs du Québec
- Association des psychologues du Québec
Voir aussi
- Code AITA, liste des codes AITA des aéroports
- Code OACI, liste des codes OACI des compagnies aériennes
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article APQ de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
APQ-181 radar — The AN/APQ 181 is an all weather, low probability of intercept (LPI) radar system designed by Hughes Aircraft (now Raytheon) for the U.S. Air Force B 2A Spirit bomber aircraft. The system was developed in the mid 1980s and entered service in 1993 … Wikipedia
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AN/APQ-159 — Emerson Electric s AN/APQ 159 was a I band/J band radar designed to upgrade Emerson s simple AN/APQ 153 used in the F 5 Freedom Fighter. It offered roughly double the range, increased off boresight tracking angles, and considerably improved… … Wikipedia
AN/APQ-153 — Emerson Electric s AN/APQ 153 was an I band radar system developed for the Northrop F 5E fighter aircraft. Required to fit into the tight confines of the originally radar less F 5, the system offered relatively simple air to air modes and a short … Wikipedia
AN/APQ-13 — radars were a ground scanning radar developed by Bell Laboratories, Western Electric, and MIT as an improved model of the airborne H2X radar. They were used on B 29 s during World War II in the Pacific theater for high altitude area bombing,… … Wikipedia
AN/APQ-174 — The AN/APQ 174 is an American Ku band radar used on military helicopters for navigation, particularly at low level.It was developed during the late 1980s, probably as a derivative of the AN/APQ 168. It was initially procured in the early 1990s… … Wikipedia
AN/APQ-116 — The Texas Instruments AN/APQ 116 is a terrain following radar used in A 7 Corsair II and C 130 Hercules aircraft … Wikipedia
AN/APQ-180 — Das AN/APG 63 ist ein allwetterfähiges, luftgestütztes Radar welches von Hughes Aircraft (jetzt Raytheon) entworfen wurde. Es ist das Bordradar der F 15 Eagle und wird daher auch Eyes of the Eagle (dt. Augen des Adlers) genannt. Das Radar… … Deutsch Wikipedia