
Single par Carrie Underwood
extrait de l’album Some Hearts
Sortie 6 février 2007
Durée 4:34 (version album)
3:25 (radio)
Genre Country
Format CD single
Digital Download
Parolier Hillary Lindsey, Marv Green,Troy Verges
Producteur Mark Bright
Label Arista
Singles de Carrie Underwood
'Before He Cheats
'I'll Stand by You
Pistes de Some Hearts
'Don't Forget to Remember Me

Certifiée disque d’or (RIAA)

Wasted est le sixième et dernier single extrait de l'album Some Hearts de la chanteuse de musique country américaine Carrie Underwood.

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  • Wasted — may refer to: *See waste or wasting. * A slang word for various forms of intoxication * A slang word for murder * Wasted (comics) , a comic book created by Gerry Alanguilan * , a book about anorexia by Marya Hornbacher. * Wasted (film), a 2002… …   Wikipedia

  • wasted — [adj1] emaciated anorexic, atrophied, attenuated, bony, famished, gaunt, haggard, lank, lean, scrawny, shrivelled, skeletal, skinand bones*, skinny, starved, thin, underfed, undernourished, withered; concepts 490,491 wasted [adj2] high on drugs… …   New thesaurus

  • wasted — index futile, irredeemable, lost (taken away), otiose, stale, unavailing, unsound (not strong) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C …   Law dictionary

  • wasted — pinched, cadaverous, *haggard, worn, careworn Analogous words: gaunt, scrawny, skinny, angular, rawboned (see LEAN adj) Contrasted words: sturdy, *strong, stout, stalwart: robust, *healthy …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • wasted — ☆ wasted [wās′təd ] adj. Slang 1. intoxicated by a drug 2. drunk …   English World dictionary

  • wasted — 1. mod. dead; killed. □ Pete didn’t want to end up wasted. □ That’s silly. We all end up wasted one way or another. 2. mod. alcohol or drug intoxicated. □ I really feel wasted. What did I drink? □ …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

  • Wasted — Waste Waste, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Wasted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Wasting}.] [OE. wasten, OF. waster, guaster, gaster, F. g[^a]ter to spoil, L. vastare to devastate, to lay waste, fr. vastus waste, desert, uncultivated, ravaged, vast, but influenced by …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • wasted — wast|ed [ weıstəd ] adjective 1. ) something such as time or money that is wasted is not used effectively: an entirely wasted day Someone with her experience would be wasted in a job like that. 2. ) INFORMAL someone who is wasted is very drunk or …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • wasted — adjective 1) a wasted effort Syn: squandered, misspent, misdirected, misused, dissipated; pointless, useless, needless, unnecessary; vain, fruitless 2) a wasted opportunity Syn: miss …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • wasted — UK [ˈweɪstɪd] / US [ˈweɪstəd] adjective 1) something such as time or money that is wasted is not used effectively an entirely wasted day Someone with her experience would be wasted in a job like that. 2) informal someone who is wasted is very… …   English dictionary

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