Stratonice II
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Stratonice — is the name of several ancient Macedonian women:*Stratonice (wife of Antigonus), the wife of Antigonus Monophthalmus *Stratonice of Syria, the wife of Seleucus I Nicator and Antiochus I Soter *Stratonice of Macedonia, the wife of Demetrius II of… … Wikipedia
Stratoníce — STRATONÍCE, es, Gr. Στρατονίκη, ης, (⇒ Tab. XVI.) Pleurons Tochter, welche er mit der Xanthippe, einer Tochter des Dorus, zeugete. Apollod. l. I. c. 7. §. 7 … Gründliches mythologisches Lexikon
Stratonice — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Stratonice ou Stratonikè est un nom d origine grecque qui peut désigner : Personnalités Plusieurs reines ou princesses de la période… … Wikipédia en Français
Stratonice IV — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Stratonice. Stratonice ou Stratonikê IV (vers 200 av J.C à 135 av. J.C), princesse Hellénistique de la dynastie de Cappadoce Biographie Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. Votre aide… … Wikipédia en Français
STRATONICE — I. STRATONICE Ariarathis Cappadocum Regis filia, uxor Eumenis Pergami Regis, cui Attalum peperit, qui illi in regno successit. Strab. l. 13. II. STRATONICE filia Demetrii Poliorcetae et Phyllae, uxor Seleuci … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Stratonice (opera) — Stratonice is a one act opéra comique by Étienne Méhul to a libretto by François Benoît Hoffman, first performed at the Théâtre Favart, Paris, on 3 May, 1792. The plot is taken from De Dea Syria ( On the Syrian Goddess , attributed to Lucian)… … Wikipedia
Stratonice of Syria — Stratonice (in Greek Στρατoνικη) of Syria was the daughter of king Demetrius Poliorcetes and Phila, the daughter of Antipater. In 300 BC, at which time she could not have been more than seventeen years of age, her hand was solicited by Seleucus,… … Wikipedia
Stratonice of Macedonia — Stratonice (in Greek Στρατoνικη; lived in the 3rd century BC) of Macedonia was the daughter of Stratonice of Syria and of the Seleucid king Antiochus I Soter (281 ndash;261 BC). She was married to Demetrius II (239 ndash;229 BC), king of… … Wikipedia
Stratonice (wife of Antigonus) — Stratonice (in Greek Στρατoνίκη; lived 4th century BC) was daughter of Corrhaeus (a Macedonian otherwise unknown), and wife of Antigonus, king of Asia, by whom she became the mother of two sons, Demetrius Poliorcetes and Philip, who died in 306… … Wikipedia
Stratonice (épouse d'Antigone le Borgne) — Stratonice est l épouse d Antigone le Borgne et la mère de Démétrios Ier Poliorcète. Elle est peut être descendante des premiers rois Argéades. Portail de la Grèce antique Catégories : AntigonidesPersonnalité fém … Wikipédia en Français