- Benigni

page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme.
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Benigni de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Benigni — ist der Name folgender Personen: Roberto Benigni (* 1952), italienischer Regisseur und Schauspieler Siegmund Ritter von Benigni in Müldenberg (1855–1922), österreichischer Feldzeugmeister und Truppenführer Walter Benigni (* 1934),… … Deutsch Wikipedia
BENIGNI (U.) — BENIGNI UMBERTO (1862 1934) Prélat romain qu’on peut sans hésitation qualifier de personnage hors pair et qu’auréole encore la noire légende créée de son vivant même. Né à Pérouse, en Ombrie (Italie), Umberto Benigni fut ordonné prêtre en 1884.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Benigni — Benigni, Roberto … Enciclopedia Universal
Benigni — [ niɲi], Roberto, italienischer Komiker, Filmschauspieler und regisseur, * Castiglion Fiorentino (Provinz Arezzo) 27. 10. 1952; erfolgreich als Stand up Comedian bei Theater und Fernsehen; Filmrollen z. B. in »Die Stimme des Mondes« (1979),… … Universal-Lexikon
Benigni Case — (Рим,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Via Attilio Benigni 36, 00156 Рим, Италия … Каталог отелей
Benigni, Roberto — ▪ 2000 At the 1999 Academy Awards ceremony, Italian actor and film director Roberto Benigni displayed the charm and gift for frenetic comedy that had endeared him to fans around the world and made La vita è bella (Life Is Beautiful) which… … Universalium
Benigni, Roberto — (1952 ) Actor and director. One of the most prominent of the new generation of actor directors who emerged in the 1980s, Benigni had already begun to make his mark in the mid 1970s as a cabaret performer. Following the success of his lively… … Guide to cinema
Benigni, Roberto — (1952 ) Actor and director. One of the most prominent of the new generation of actor directors who emerged in the 1980s, Benigni had already begun to make his mark in the mid 1970s as a cabaret performer. Following the success of his lively… … Historical dictionary of Italian cinema
Benigni — /bəˈninji/ (say buh neenyee) noun Roberto, born 1952, Italian film actor and director, noted for comedy; Academy Award for best actor for Life is Beautiful (La vita è bella) (1998) …
Benigni, Roberto — ► (n. 1952) Actor y director de cine italiano. En el teatro experimental desarrolló su faceta cómica. Su mayor obra como actor y director fue La vida es bella (1997), con la que ganó tres Oscar … Enciclopedia Universal