- Liste des journaux scientifiques en mathématiques
Liste (incomplète) de revues scientifiques, qui publient des articles dans le domaine des mathématiques.
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - TA
- Abstract Analysis (site)
- Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis (site)
- Acta Mathematica Hungarica
- Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae (site)
- Acta Mathematica
- Acta Numerica (site)
- Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum (Szeged)
- Acta Societatis Scientiarum Fennicae
- Advances in Applied Mathematics (site)
- Advances in Difference Equations (site)
- Advances in Geometry (site)
- Advances in Mathematics (site)
- Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (site)
- Albanian Journal of Mathematics (site)
- Algebra & Number Theory (site)
- Algebraic & Geometric Topology (site)
- American Journal of Mathematics
- American Mathematical Monthly
- Analysis & PDE (site)
- Analysis Mathematica
- Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae. Mathematica (site)
- Annales Henri Poincaré
- Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure (site)
- Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze (site)
- Annals of Combinatorics (site)
- Annals of Mathematics (site)
- Annals of Mathematical Statistics (site)
- Applied Mathematics E - Notes (site)
- Applied Sciences (site)
- Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis (site)
- Archivum Mathematicum (site)
- Asian journal of mathematics (site)
- Atti dell'Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti - Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali (site)
- Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications (site)
- Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis (BJMA) (site)
- Boletin Asociacio Matematica Vanezolana - English (site)
- Boundary Value Problems (site)
- Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics (site)
- Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (site)
- Bulletin of TICMI (site)
- Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society (site)
- Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (site)
- Bulletin, Classes des Sciences Mathematiques et Naturelles, Sciences (site)
- Bulletin of Statistics & Economics (site)
- Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (site)
- Canadian Journal of Mathematics (site)
- Combinatorica
- Combinatorics, Probability and Computing (journal home)
- Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (site)
- Communications in Algebra (site)
- Communications in Mathematical Analysis (site)
- Communications in Mathematical Physics
- Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
- Compositio Mathematica (site)
- Computational and Applied Mathematics (site)
- Differential Equations and Control Processes (site)
- Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics (site)
- Differential Geometry - Dynamical systems (site)
- Differential Geometry and its Applications (site)
- Discrete and Computational Geometry (site)
- Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (site)
- Discrete Mathematics (site)
- Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science (site)
- Divulgaciones Matematicas (site)
- Documenta Mathematica (site)
- Duke Mathematical Journal (site)
- Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (site)
- Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (site)
- Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations (site)
- Electronic Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society (site)
- Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (site)
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (journal home)
- European Journal of Applied Mathematics (journal home)
- Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (site)
- Fibonacci Quarterly (site)
- Filomat (site)
- Fixed Point Theory and Applications (site)
- Formalized Mathematics (site)
- Forum Geometricorum: A Journal on Classical Euclidean Geometry (site)
- Fundamenta Mathematicae
- Geometry & Topology
- Glasgow Mathematical Journal (journal home)
- Glasnik Matematicki (site)
- Illinois Journal of Mathematics (site)
- Indiana University Mathematics Journal
- Indagationes Mathematicae
- Integers: Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory (site)
- Integral Equations and Operator Theory
- InterJournal (site)
- InterJournal Journal of Differential Geometry (site)
- Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (site)
- International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning (site)
- International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation [1]
- International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (site)
- International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics (site)
- International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJAI) (site)
- International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics (IJEES) (site)
- International Journal of Imaging (site)
- International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics (site)
- International Journal of Mathematics (site)
- International Journal of Mathematics and Computation (site)
- International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (site)
- International journal of simulation. Systems, science and technology (site)
- International Journal of Tomography and Statistics (site)
- Inventiones Mathematicae (web1), (web2)
- Involve, a Journal of Mathematics (site)
- Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées
- Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik - the oldest surviving mathematical periodical
- Journal of Algebra (site)
- Journal of Applied Mathematics (site)
- Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society (site)
- International Journal of Differential Gometry (site)
- Journal of Commutative Algebra (site)
- Journal of Computer-Generated Euclidean Geometry (site)
- Journal of Differential Geometry (site)
- Journal of Fluid Mechanics (site)
- Journal of Functional Analysis
- Journal of Geometry
- Journal of Geometry and Physics (site)
- Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (site)
- Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations (JHDE) (site)
- Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics (site)
- Journal of Integer Sequences (site)
- Journal of Mathematical Physics (site)
- Journal of Mathematical Sciences (site)
- Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (site)
- Journal of Mathematics of Kyoto University (site)
- Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics (site)
- Journal of Number Theory
- Journal of Online Mathematics and its Applications (site)
- Journal of Operator Theory
- Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
- Journal of the American Mathematical Society
- Journal of the London Mathematical Society
- Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu (journal home)
- Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics (site)
- Manuscripta Mathematica (site)
- Matematicki Vesnik (site)
- Mathematica Scandinavica (site)
- Mathematical Inequalities & Applications (site)
- Mathematical Journal of Okayama University (site)
- Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal (site)
- Mathematical Problems in Engineering (site)
- Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society(journal home)
- Mathematical Structures in Computer Science (journal home)
- Mathematics of Computation
- Mathematische Annalen (site)
- Mathematische Nachrichten (site)
- Mathematische Zeitschrift (site)
- Methods and Applications of Analysis (MAA) (site)
- Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences (site)
- Multiscale Modeling and Simulation (SIAM journal) (site)
- Nagoya Mathematical Journal (site)
- Nexus Network Journal: architecture and mathematics (site)
- Notices of the American Mathematical Society (site)
- Opuscula Mathematica (site)
- Pacific Journal of Mathematics (site)
- Portugaliae Mathematica (site)
- Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics
- Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
- Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society (site)
- Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciences (site)
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A, Mathematical Sciences (site)
- Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A Mathematics (site)
- Proyecciones- Revista de matemetica (site)
- Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen
- Publications Mathematiques de l'IHES (site)
- Publications de l'Institut Mathematique (Beograd) (site)
- Quaestiones Mathematicae (site)
- Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università e Politecnico di Torino (site)
- Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova (site)
- Ricerche di Matematica (site)
- SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems(site)
- SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics(site)
- SIAM Journal on Computing(site)
- SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization(site)
- SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics(site)
- SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis(site)
- SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications(site)
- SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis(site)
- SIAM Journal on Optimization(site)
- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing(site)
- SIAM Review(site)
- Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire (site)
- Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports (site)
- Siberian Mathematical Journal (site)
- Solstice : An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics (site)
- Southwest Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (site)
- Studia Mathematica
- Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (site)
- Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, TJM (site)
- The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (site)
- The Mathematics Educator (site)
- The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast (site)
- The New York Journal of Mathematics (site)
- Theory and Applications of Categories (site)
- Theory of Probability and Its Applications (SIAM journal)(site)
- Tohoku Mathematical Journal (site)
- Tokyo Journal of Mathematics (site)
- Topology (site)
- Topology and its Applications (site)
- Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (site)
- Turkish Journal of Mathematics (site)
Liens externes
- Liste de journaux de mathématiques avec les liens vers leurs sites
- Liste de journaux de mathématiques autrefois uniquement imprimés, et actuellement numérisés, avec les liens vers leurs sites
- Une liste quasi complète de journaux de mathématiques, avec les abréviations utilisées par les Mathematical Reviews
Catégorie :- Revue de mathématiques
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