Land Office
- Land Office
Le General Land Office (GLO), plus communément appelé Land Office (Office des terres) était une agence indépendante du gouvernement des États-Unis. Il a été créé en 1812 pour prendre en charge des fonctions précédemment occupées par le Département du Trésor. Avec l'Ordonnance sur la terre de 1785, qui a créé le Système d'expertise des terres publiques (Public Land Survey System), le Département du Trésor a déjà supervisé l'étude du Territoire du Nord-Ouest comprenant ce qui est aujourd'hui l'Ohio. Placé sous la tutelle du Département de l'Intérieur, il est fusionné avec le Service des pâturages des États-Unis (United States Grazing Service) fondé en 1934, pour devenir le Bureau of Land Management en 1946.
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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Land office — Land Land, n. [AS. land, lond; akin to D., G., Icel., Sw., Dan., and Goth. land. ] 1. The solid part of the surface of the earth; opposed to water as constituting a part of such surface, especially to oceans and seas; as, to sight land after a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
land office — ➔ office * * * land office UK US noun [S] ► PROPERTY, GOVERNMENT in the US, a government department that deals with the sale of public land: »The land office has received two private bids for the 9,270 acre property. ● do a land office business… … Financial and business terms
land office — land .office n a government office in Britain that keeps records about the sale of land and who buys and sells it British Equivalent: land registry … Dictionary of contemporary English
land office — ☆ land office n. a government office that handles and records the sales and transfers of public lands … English World dictionary
land office — land ,office noun count a U.S. government department responsible for keeping records of sales of public land … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
land office — noun a government office where business relating to public lands is transacted • Hypernyms: ↑government office * * * ˈland office [land office] (NAmE) (BrE … Useful english dictionary
land office — noun N. Amer. a government office recording dealings in public land. Phrases do a land office business informal do a lot of successful trading … English new terms dictionary
Land Office — See General Land Office … Ballentine's law dictionary
land-office business — {n.}, {informal} A great rush of business. * /It was a hot day, and the drive ins were doing a land office business in ice cream and cold drinks./ … Dictionary of American idioms
land-office business — {n.}, {informal} A great rush of business. * /It was a hot day, and the drive ins were doing a land office business in ice cream and cold drinks./ … Dictionary of American idioms