- Hampson

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Hampson — is a surname, and may refer to:*Alfred Hampson (1865 – 1924), Australian politician *Anne Hampson, British novelist *Billy Hampson (1882 – 1966), English football player and manager *Daphne Hampson (born 1944), British theologian *Frank Hampson… … Wikipedia
Hampson — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: George Francis Hampson (1860–1936), britischer Entomologe Ted Hampson (* 1936), kanadischer Eishockeyspieler Thomas Hampson (Sänger) (* 1955), US amerikanischer Opernsänger (Bariton) Tommy Hampson… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hampson — [hæmpsn], Thomas, amerikanischer Sänger (Bariton), * Elkhart (Indiana) 28. 6. 1955; gehörte 1981 bis 1984 zum Ensemble der Deutschen Oper am Rhein Düsseldorf Duisburg und wechselte dann an die Züricher Oper, wo er in der Rolle des Don Giovanni… … Universal-Lexikon
Hampson — Recorded as Hampson, Hempson and Himpson, this is an early medieval English surname. It is one of the patronymic forms of the surname Hammon or Hammond. These names are themselves ultimately of pre 7th century Anglo Saxon origin, from the… … Surnames reference
Hampson (surname) — Hampson (Hempson, O Hampson, O hAmhsaigh, O Hampsey) is a surname. The small clan of O’hAmhsaigh (O’Hampsey) had become O Hamson by 1659, when it is recorded in the census of 1659 as one of the principal Irish surnames in the barony of Keenaght,… … Wikipedia
Hampson Museum State Park — The Hampson Museum State Park in Wilson, Arkansas, U.S.A. exhibits an archeological collection of early American aboriginal artifacts from the Nodena Site. The Nodena Site is an archeological site east of Wilson and northeast of Reverie,… … Wikipedia
Hampson-Linde cycle — The Hampson Linde cycle is based on the Joule Thomson effectand is used in the liquefaction of gases. W. Hampson and Carl von Linde independently patented the cycle in 1895 [ [http://kryolab.fysik.lu.se/dokument/e techn.html The Hampson Linde… … Wikipedia
Hampson, Daphne — (b. 1944) Theologian. Hampson was born in Croydon, England, and was educated at the Universities of Keele, Oxford, Harvard and Warwick. She has taught at the Universities of Stirling and St Andrews. She is known as one of Britain’s most… … Who’s Who in Christianity
Hampson unit — a unit of radiation exposure, equal to one fourth of the erythema dose … Medical dictionary
Daphne Hampson — Margaret Daphne Hampson (born 1944) is a British theologian. Educated at Oxford and at Harvard, she held a personal Chair in Post Christian Thought at the University of St Andrews. Hampson s distinctive theological position has both gained her… … Wikipedia