
Pays Corée du sud
Langue coréen, anglais
Périodicité trimestriel
Genre magazine culturel
Date de fondation 1er janvier 2007
Éditeur Séoul

Directeur de publication Youngna Kim
ISSN 1975-7905
Site web

Graphic est un magazine coréen-anglais fondé en 2007 et consacré aux arts/designs graphiques contemporain. Il est publié trimestriellement.

Chaque numéro est consacré à un thème, traité en profondeur.

Graphic a été rédigé et édité en langue coréenne jusqu'à son huitième numéro, mais depuis le neuvième, il est publié en coréen et en anglais. Il est actuellement diffusé en Corée et en Europe ; il est prévu d'étendre sa zone de circulation vers l'Amérique, en Asie et ainsi de suite.


  • N°1. Magazine Art Directors, January, 2007.
  • N°2. Motion Graphics, April, 2007.
  • N°3. The Next Illustration, July, 2007.
  • N°4. Book Design Issue, Octocber, 2007
  • N°5. The Next Illustration Vol.2, January, 2008
  • N°6. Magazine Issue, April, 2008
  • N°7. Fashion Graphic, July, 2008
  • N°8. Small Studio
  • N°9. Werkplaats Typografie Special Issue, February, 2009
  • N°10. Self-Publishing Issue, May, 2009
  • N°11. Ideas Of Design Exhibition
  • N°12. Manystuff Special Issue, November, 2009
  • N°13. Visual Identity Issue
  • N°14. Work & Run: Young Studios
  • N°15. Printing Journal
  • N°16. Type Archive Issue
  • N°17. When Design Becomes Attitude

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Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Graphic — Graph ic (gr[a^]f [i^]k), Graphical Graph ic*al (gr[a^]f [i^]*kal), a. [L. graphicus, Gr. grafiko s, fr. gra fein to write; cf. F. graphique. See {Graft}.] 1. Of or pertaining to the arts of painting and drawing; of or pertaining to graphics; as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • graphic — graphic, vivid, picturesque, pictorial are comparable when they mean having or manifesting a quality or character that produces a strong, clear impression, especially a visual impression. All of these words apply particularly but not exclusively… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • graphic — vivid, 1570s (implied in graphically), from L. graphicus picturesque, from Gk. graphikos of or for writing, belonging to drawing, picturesque, from graphe writing, drawing, from graphein to write (see GRAPHY (Cf. graphy)). Meaning of or… …   Etymology dictionary

  • graphic — [graf′ik] adj. [L graphicus < Gr graphikos, capable of painting or drawing, of writing < graphē, a drawing, writing < graphein, to write, orig., scratch, incise < IE base * gerebh > CARVE, CRAB1] 1. describing or described in… …   English World dictionary

  • graphic — [adj1] clear, explicit colorful, compelling, comprehensible, concrete, convincing, definite, descriptive, detailed, distinct, eloquent, expressive, figurative, forcible, illustrative, incisive, intelligible, lively, lucid, moving, perspicuous,… …   New thesaurus

  • Graphic — (spr. gräffick), Titel einer seit Dezember 1869 in London erscheinenden illustrierten Wochenschrift für die Schilderung der politischen und unpolitischen Tagesereignisse, für Kunst, Wissenschaft und Literatur. Durch die Mitarbeiterschaft der… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

  • graphic — I adjective clear, cogent, coherent, comprehensible, decorative, delineatory, demonstrative, descriptive, detailed, distinct, effective, energetic, explicatory, explicit, expressive, illustrative, imaginative, lively, lucid, lurid, pictorial,… …   Law dictionary

  • graphic — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to visual art, especially involving drawing, engraving, or lettering. 2) giving vividly explicit detail. 3) of or in the form of a graph. ► NOUN Computing ▪ a visual image displayed on a screen or stored as data.… …   English terms dictionary

  • -graphic — [graf′ikəlgraf′ik] combining form forming adjectives of or relating to a (specified) method or process for recording or describing [telegraphic, stenographic]: also suffix combining form graphical [graf′ikəl] …   English World dictionary

  • graphic — ▪ I. graphic graph‧ic 1 [ˈgræfɪk] adjective [only before a noun] relating to drawing, printing, designing etc: • displays of graphic arts, including architectural drawings   [m0] ▪ II. graphic graphic 2 This entry replaces LBED1 entry graphics .… …   Financial and business terms

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