- Ferreri
page d’homonymie répertorie des personnes (réelles ou fictives) partageant un même patronyme.
Ferreri est un nom de famille notamment porté par :
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Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Ferreri de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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FERRERI (M.) — FERRERI MARCO (1928 1997) Né à Milan, Marco Ferreri entreprend des études de vétérinaire qu’il interrompra très vite. En fait, il les poursuit dans chacun de ses films, en ce sens qu’il s’intéresse à ce qu’il y a d’animal en l’homme. «J’ai voulu… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ferreri — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Jean Marc Ferreri (* 1962), französischer Fußballspieler Giusy Ferreri (* 1979), italienische Popsängerin Juan Ferreri (* 1970), uruguayischer Fußballspieler Marco Ferreri (1928–1997), italienischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ferreri — Ferreri, Marco … Enciclopedia Universal
Ferreri, Marco — (1928 1997) Milanese filmmaker Marco Ferreri started his career as a director in the Spanish film industry, with three films that had a strong impact on young directors, and which are seen as an adaptation of the neorealist perspective to… … Guide to cinema
Ferreri, Marco — (1928 1997) Actor, producer, and director. One of the most iconoclastic directors of Italian postwar cinema, Ferreri began his film career in the early 1950s by collaborating on the production of current affairs documentaries. After acting as… … Historical dictionary of Italian cinema
Ferreri, Marco — (1928 1997) Milanese filmmaker Marco Ferreri started his career as a director in the Spanish film industry, with three films that had a strong impact on young directors, and which are seen as an adaptation of the neorealist perspective to… … Historical dictionary of Spanish cinema
Ferreri, Marco — • ФЕРРЕ РИ (Ferreri) Марко (р. 11.5.1928) итал. режиссёр. По образованию ветеринар. В 1951 с реж. Р. Гионе выпустил неск. номеров к/ж Документальный ежемесячник . В 1952 принимал участие в съёмках ф. реж. А. Лат туады Шинель (по Н. В. Гоголю) … Кино: Энциклопедический словарь
Ferreri — This ancient surname is of pre Christian and Roman origins. Recorded in over seventy spellings from Farrar, Farrah, Pharro and Pharoah, to Ferrara, Ferrari, Varey, Varrow and Ferrarotti, the name derives from the Latin word ferrum , through in… … Surnames reference
Ferreri — /fəˈrɛəri/ (say fuh rairree) noun Paul, born 1950, Australian bantam and featherweight boxing champion …
ФЕРРÉРИ (Ferreri) Марко — (Ferreri) Марко (р. 1928), итал. кинорежиссёр. В ф. Диллинджер мёртв (1969), Большая жратва (1973), Прощай, самец ( Мечта обезьяны , 1978), Дом улыбок (1990) в саркастич., трагифарсовой манере критиковал общество потребления … Биографический словарь