- Cycadopsida
Les Cycadopsida sont une classe de plantes gymnospermes.
classe Cycadopsida
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Cycadopsida — Cycadopsida … Wikipédia en Français
Cycadopsida — Cycadopsida, Palmfarne, ca. 120 im Habitus palmenähnliche tropische und subtropische diöcische Arten umfassende Klasse der ⇒ Cycadophytina. Ihre Samenanlagen und Pollensackgruppen sitzen an Mega bzw. Mikrosporophyllen. Diese Frucht bzw.… … Deutsch wörterbuch der biologie
Cycadopsida — Cycadophyta Cycadophyta, Cycadophytina Cycadophytina, Cycadopsida Cycadopsida . a class or subdivision of plants comprising palmlike gymnosperms: it includes the surviving order {Cycadales} and several extinct orders; possibly not a natural… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
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Cycadopsida — noun palmlike gymnosperms: includes the surviving order Cycadales and several extinct orders; possibly not a natural group; in some systems considered a class (Cycadopsida) and in others a subdivision (Cycadophytina or Cycadophyta) • Syn: ↑class… … Useful english dictionary
Cycadopsida — … Википедия
class Cycadopsida — noun palmlike gymnosperms: includes the surviving order Cycadales and several extinct orders; possibly not a natural group; in some systems considered a class (Cycadopsida) and in others a subdivision (Cycadophytina or Cycadophyta) • Syn:… … Useful english dictionary
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Cycadophyta — Cycadophyta, Cycadophytina Cycadophytina, Cycadopsida Cycadopsida . a class or subdivision of plants comprising palmlike gymnosperms: it includes the surviving order {Cycadales} and several extinct orders; possibly not a natural group; in some… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cycadophytina — Cycadophyta Cycadophyta, Cycadophytina Cycadophytina, Cycadopsida Cycadopsida . a class or subdivision of plants comprising palmlike gymnosperms: it includes the surviving order {Cycadales} and several extinct orders; possibly not a natural… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English