- Works

Cette page d’
homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.
Works ou The Works peut signifier plusieurs choses :
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Works de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
works — [wɜːks ǁ wɜːrks] noun [plural] 1. old fashioned MANUFACTURING a building or group of buildings in which goods are produced in large quantities or an industrial process happens: • The brick works closed last year. 2. the activity involved in doing … Financial and business terms
Works — Сборник Pink Floyd … Википедия
Works — may refer to:a Factory or (extensive) engineering Machine Shop * An author s or artist s body of work of art; * AppleWorks and iWork, two other collections of office productivity programs created by Apple Inc.; * Engineering structures, projects … Wikipedia
Works — Works, integriertes Paket von Microsoft. Works enthält in seiner Basisversion drei Programme, nämlich eine Textverarbeitung, eine Tabellenkalkulation und eine Datenbank. Alle drei Programmteile werden in einem einheitlichen Design geliefert und … Universal-Lexikon
Works — ist die Bezeichnung von integrierten Programmpaketen, die verschiedene Büroanwendungen enthalten. Es sind vorwiegend folgende Produkte bekannt: AppleWorks, ehemals ClarisWorks IBM Works, integriertes Paket für OS/2 Lotus Works Microsoft Works,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
works — Military a defensive structure. → work works Theology good or moral deeds. → work works chiefly Brit. activity involving construction or repair. → work works [treated as sing.] chiefly Brit. a place where industrial or manufacturing processes are … English new terms dictionary
Works — Works, so v.w. Gehaubter Steißfuß … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
-works — noun ● smelt … Useful english dictionary
works — noun 1. buildings for carrying on industrial labor (Freq. 5) they built a large plant to manufacture automobiles • Syn: ↑plant, ↑industrial plant • Members of this Topic: ↑gas system • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
works — n. construction projects 1) public works preparation (colloq.) 2) in the works operations 3) to gum up, mess up the works everything available (colloq.) 4) to give smb. the works * * * [wɜːks] mess up the works [ construction project … Combinatory dictionary