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URY est un code, qui signifie :
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article URY de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Ury — steht für: URY, das ISO 3166 Länderkürzel für Uruguay Ury (Seine et Marne), eine Gemeinde in Frankreich Ury ist auch der Familienname von folgenden Personen: Adolf Ury (1849–1915), Rabbi und Landtagsabgeordneter Else Ury (1877–1943), deutsche… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ury — Ury … Wikipedia Español
Ury — may refer to:*Ury House, Scotland, an historic mansion on a very large estate *Ury, Seine et Marne, a commune in France *University Radio York, a student radio station at the University of York … Wikipedia
ury — urỹ interj. op (sakoma sunkiai ką keliant ar raginant kelti): Na, vyrai, suimkim, ir urỹ! Grž. Visi vienu kartu čiupkim, nu – urỹ Vad … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Ury — [ uːri], 1) Else, Schriftstellerin, * Berlin 1. 11. 1877, ✝ (Deportation in das KZ Auschwitz) 12. 1. 1943; wurde v. a. bekannt durch ihre die Ideale (bürgerliche) deutsche Mädchenerziehung prägenden wie widerspiegelnden Erzählungen,… … Universal-Lexikon
Ury — 48° 20′ 39″ N 2° 36′ 16″ E / 48.3442, 2.6044 … Wikipédia en Français
ury — pen·ury; … English syllables
URY, LESSER — (1861–1931), German painter. Ury, who was born in Birnbaum, Prussia, went to Berlin at the age of 12 and two years later was apprenticed to a clothing merchant. When he had saved enough money, he began to study art, first in Duesseldorf and then… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
URY, ELSE — (1877–1943), bestselling German author. Born in Berlin into a upper middle class Jewish family, Ury first received recognition for her story Studierte Maedel ( Academic Girls, 1906), which touched on a controversial topic, as women gained access… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Ury House — The current incarnation of Ury House is a ruined large mansion built in the Elizabethan style in 1885 by Alexander Baird. It is situated about a mile north of Stonehaven, a town in Aberdeenshire (historic Kincardineshire) on the North East coast… … Wikipedia