- Strathclyde
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Strathclyde — ( Srath Chluaidh in Gaelic, meaning valley of the River Clyde ) is a historic subdivision of Scotland, and was one of the regional council areas of Scotland from 1975 to 1996. The RegionStrathclyde Region was named after the ancient Dumnonii… … Wikipedia
Strathclyde — / Srath Chluaidh Región (desaparecida) de Escocia Situación de la antigua región de Strathclyde en Escocia … Wikipedia Español
Strathclyde — (spr. ßtrăth klaid ), soviel wie Clydesdale, d. h. Tal des Clyde, Landschaft im südlichen Schottland, bestand bis 1124 als unabhängiges Königreich … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Strathclyde — [strath klīd′] former administrative region of SW Scotland, on the Firth of Clyde … English World dictionary
Strathclyde — Region Strathclyde Bestandszeitraum 1975–1996 Fläche 13.625 km² Verwaltungssitz Glasgow Bevölkerung … Deutsch Wikipedia
Strathclyde — /strath kluyd /, n. a region in SW Scotland. 2,504,909; 5300 sq. mi. (13,727 sq. km). * * * Medieval Celtic kingdom, Scotland. Located south of the River Clyde, it was established in the 6th century. Its capital was Dumbarton. The Picts and… … Universalium
Strathclyde — ► Región de Gran Bretaña, en Escocia, a lo largo de la costa del canal del Norte; 13 849 km2 y 2 218 200 h. Ganadería ovina. Ind. concentrada en Glasgow. * * * Reino celta medieval de Escocia. Situado al sur del río Clyde, se fundó en el s. VI.… … Enciclopedia Universal
Strathclyde — Sp Stratkláidas Ap Strathclyde angliškai Ap Strath Cluaidh geliškai (škotiškai) L Škotijos ist. sr., D. Britanija … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
Strathclyde Police — Area covered Area Argyll and Bute, City of Glasgow, East Ayrshire, East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire … Wikipedia
Strathclyde (disambiguation) — Strathclyde is a broad area of west central Scotland, centred on Glasgow and the River Clyde. The word comes from the Gaelic for valley of the Clyde ( Srathchluaidh ) and is nowadays used as a convenient geographical term; but more specifically,… … Wikipedia