- Shoftim
Shoftim, Shof'tim, Shofetim, Choftim, Chof'tim ou Chofetim (hébreu שופטים), peut indiquer:

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Regardez d'autres dictionnaires:
Shoftim — Shoftim, Shof tim, or Shofetim (שופטים), Hebrew for “judges,” may mean:*The plural of Shofet, judge * Sefer Shoftim (ספר שופטים), the Hebrew name for the Book of Judges *Shoftim (parsha) (פרשה שופטים), the 48th weekly parshah or portion in the… … Wikipedia
Shoftim (parasha) — Shoftim, Shof tim, Shofetim, Choftim, Chof tim ou Chofetim (שופטים héb pour “juges,” le premier mot de la parasha) est la 48ème section hebdomadaire du cycle annuel de lecture de la Torah et la cinquième du Livre du Deutéronome. Elle correspond à … Wikipédia en Français
Shoftim (parsha) — Shoftim, Shof tim, or Shofetim (שופטים Hebrew for “judges,” the first word in the parshah) is the 48th weekly Torah portion ( parshah ) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the fifth in the book of Deuteronomy. It constitutes… … Wikipedia
Book of Judges — (Hebrew: Sefer Shoftim ספר שופטים) is a book of the Bible originally written in Hebrew. It appears in the Tanakh and in the Christian Old Testament. Its title refers to its contents; it contains the history of Biblical judges (not to be confused… … Wikipedia
Camp Massad (Manitoba) — Camp Massad (Machaneh Massad/מחנה מסד in Hebrew) is a Hebrew speaking Jewish and Zionist summer camp for campers aged 7 to 16 located at Winnipeg Beach in Manitoba, Canada. The camp was founded in 1953. Leona Billinkoff ( Gveret B ) was the first … Wikipedia
Seven Laws of Noah — The rainbow is the modern symbol of the Noahide Movement, recalling the rainbow that appeared after the Great Flood of the Bible. The Seven Laws of Noah (Hebrew: שבע מצוות בני נח Sheva mitzvot B nei Noach) form the major part of the Noachide… … Wikipedia
Shofet — Suffete redirects here In Hebrew and several other Semitic languages, shofet (plural shoftim) literally means Judge , from the verb Š P T , to pass judgment . Cognate titles exist in other Semitic cultures, notably Phoenicia.HebrewIn ancient… … Wikipedia
Ki Tavo — ou Ki Savo selon la prononciation ashkénaze (כי תבוא héb pour “lorsque tu entreras,” les premiers mots de la parasha) est la 50e section hebdomadaire du cycle annuel de lecture de la Torah et la septième du Livre du Deutéronome. Elle correspond à … Wikipédia en Français
Royaume de Tyr — Tyr Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tyr (homonymie). Tyr (ar) صور Şūr … Wikipédia en Français
Sour — Tyr Pour les articles homonymes, voir Tyr (homonymie). Tyr (ar) صور Şūr … Wikipédia en Français