shield — [shēld] n. [ME schelde < OE scield, akin to Ger schild < Gmc * skild < IE base * (s)kel > SHELF] 1. a flat, usually broad, piece of metal, wood, etc., carried in the hand or worn on the forearm to ward off blows or missiles 2. any… … English World dictionary
shell spine — Shield Anterior part of cephalothorax in hermit crabs [McLaughlin, 1980]. (Order Decapoda): Anterior, better calcified section of cephalothorax in front of cervical groove in hermit crabs. (subcordate, subquadrate; convex, flattened; with… … Crustacea glossary
shield — {{11}}shield (n.) O.E. scield, scild, related to sciell (see SHELL (Cf. shell)), from P.Gmc. *skeldus (Cf. O.N. skjöldr, O.S. skild, M.Du. scilt, Du. schild, Ger. Schild, Goth. skildus), from *skel divide, split, separate, from PIE … Etymology dictionary
shell — Synonyms and related words: Eustachian tube, L, R, acting area, aim at, alveolation, alveolus, ante up, antrum, anvil, apron, apron stage, armadillo shell, armature, armor, armor plate, armpit, atom, atomic model, attack, auditory apparatus,… … Moby Thesaurus
shell — [OE] Shell goes back ultimately to the Germanic base *skal ‘divide, separate’, which also produced English scale, scalp, school (of fish), shale, shelter, shield, shoal (of fish), skill, and skol. Its underlying meaning is hence a ‘covering that… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
shield — [OE] Shield goes back to a prehistoric Germanic *skelduz, which also produced German and Dutch schild, Swedish sköld, and Danish skjoldr. This was probably derived from the Germanic base *skel ‘divide, split, separate’ (source also of English… … The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins
shell — [OE] Shell goes back ultimately to the Germanic base *skal ‘divide, separate’, which also produced English scale, scalp, school (of fish), shale, shelter, shield, shoal (of fish), skill, and skol. Its underlying meaning is hence a ‘covering that… … Word origins
shield — [OE] Shield goes back to a prehistoric Germanic *skelduz, which also produced German and Dutch schild, Swedish sköld, and Danish skjoldr. This was probably derived from the Germanic base *skel ‘divide, split, separate’ (source also of English… … Word origins
shell — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. bomb, bombard, cannonade, strafe, pepper; shuck, strip, pod, hull. See attack, divestment. n. case; carapace; husk, seashell; bomb, grenade, explosive, shrapnel, torpedo; boat, cockleshell, racing… … English dictionary for students
shield — n. & v. n. 1 a esp. hist. a piece of armour of esp. metal, carried on the arm or in the hand to deflect blows from the head or body. b a thing serving to protect (insurance is a shield against disaster). 2 a thing resembling a shield, esp.: a a… … Useful english dictionary