- Reyn
Le reyn est une unité anglo-saxonne de viscosité dynamique, valant 144 livres-force seconde par pied carré. 1 lbf s/sq ft ≈ 6894,757 Pl. Le nom de cette unité honore Osborne Reynolds.
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Reyn — Reyn, n. Rain or rein. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
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Reyn — Reyn, Jan de R., geb. in Dünkirchen um 1610, Maler, der vorzüglichste Schüler Van Dyks, dessen Art u. Weise er sich so zu eigen machte, daß die meisten seiner Gemälde noch jetzt unter dem Namen seines Meisters gehen; er st. 1678 … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Reyn — British gravitational unit of viscosity.One Reyn is::1 Reyn = 1 lbf·sec·inches 2Relation between Reyn and centipoise is approximately::1 Reyn = 6.89476 times; 10 6 centipoiseExternal links* [ Reyn] History of… … Wikipedia
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reyn — a unit of dynamic viscosity in the customary English system. See poise for a description of dynamic viscosity. With force measured in pounds of force (lbf), one reyn equals 1 lbf·s/in2, approximately 68.947 57 kilopoise, or 6.894 757… … Dictionary of units of measurement
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Reyn Altin Johannes Lumenta — Reyn (Rhein) Altin Johannes Lumenta (February 26, 1933 – September 28, 2003) (a.k.a. R.A.J. Lumenta) was the President and CEO of Garuda Indonesia, the Indonesian National Airline, in the period of 1984 1988, replacing Wiweko Soepono. Born in… … Wikipedia
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