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Pygostyle — Py go*style, n. [Gr. pygh the rump + ? a pillar.] (Anat.) The plate of bone which forms the posterior end of the vertebral column in most birds; the plowshare bone; the vomer. It is formed by the union of a number of the last caudal vertebr[ae],… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pygostyle — Pope s nose redirects here. It may also refer to the license plate light on early Volkswagen Beetles. Pygostyle refers to a number of the final few caudal vertebrae fused into a single ossification, supporting the tail feathers and musculature.… … Wikipedia
pygostyle — n. [Gr. pyge, rump; stylos, pillar] (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) In Hymenoptera, small lateral setigerous processes on the 9th gastral tergite … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
pygostyle — pygostyled, adj. pygostylous, adj. /puy geuh stuyl /, n. Ornith. the bone at the posterior end of the spinal column in birds, formed by the fusion of several caudal vertebrae. [1870 75; < Gk pygo (comb. form repr. pygé rump) + stylos pillar] * *… … Universalium
pygostyle — noun /ˈpaɪɡəstaɪl/ The plate supporting the tail feathers in birds, formed from fused vertebrae. Syn: parson’s nose, pope’s nose, sultan’s nose … Wiktionary
pygostyle — py·go·style (piґgo stīl) a flat bone at the end of the vertebral column of birds, representing the union of several vertebrae and serving as a site of attachment for the tail feathers. Called also plowshare bone … Medical dictionary
pygostyle — py·go·style … English syllables
pygostyle — ˈpīgəˌstīl noun ( s) Etymology: pyg + style 1. : a plate of bone that forms the posterior end of the vertebral column in most birds and is formed by the union of vertebrae 2. obsolete : vomer … Useful english dictionary
plowshare bone — pygostyle … Medical dictionary
Liste ausgestorbener Vögel — Die prähistorisch im späten Quartär ausgestorbenen und meist nur unvollständig fossilisierten Vogeltaxa sind unter Spätquartäre Avifauna aufgeführt. Die seit 1500 ausgestorbenen Vogeltaxa finden sich unter Liste der neuzeitlich ausgestorbenen… … Deutsch Wikipedia