- Preview
Une preview est une projection test d'un film non fini à un public test pour recueillir leurs réactions. Le public peut être remplacé par des critiques ou des sélectionneurs de festivals.
Une sneak preview est une projection surprise à un public non averti pour modifier les scènes (ou la fin du film) qui ne fonctionneraient pas. Dans ce cas, elles peuvent alors être retournées.
Ces techniques sont utilisées par le marketing du cinéma pour tester un film sur le public soit pour identifier des points à améliorer, soit pour identifier le segment de public à cibler lors de la campagne publicitaire.
Les films perdent alors en originalité, pour « plaire au public ».
Wikimedia Foundation.
Contenu soumis à la licence CC-BY-SA. Source : Article Preview de Wikipédia en français (auteurs)
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PREview — (Process and Requirements Viewpoints) is a requirements method which focuses on the early stage of Requirements Engineering: discovering and documenting requirements. PREview uses a Viewpoint Oriented Approach to enable the conversion of top… … Wikipedia
preview — pre‧view [ˈpriːvjuː] noun [countable] an occasion when you see a product, film, record etc, before it is made generally available to the public : • Today we can give you a preview of the new Nikon professional digital camera. see also print… … Financial and business terms
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preview — [prē′vyo͞o΄] vt. to view or show beforehand; receive or give a preview of n. ☆ 1. a previous or preliminary view or survey ☆ 2. a) a restricted showing, as of a film, before exhibition to the public generally b) a showing of scenes from a film,… … English World dictionary
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preview — (izg. prȉvju) m DEFINICIJA inform. 1. mogućnost programa da može prikazati jednu ili više stranica na ekranu (npr. prije ispisivanja); pregled 2. takav grafički prikaz stranice ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
preview — [n] preliminary showing examination, preliminary study, research, show, sneak, sneak peek*, survey, viewing; concepts 263,292,832 Ant. criticism … New thesaurus
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preview — I UK [ˈpriːvjuː] / US [ˈprɪˌvju] noun [countable] Word forms preview : singular preview plural previews 1) an opportunity to see something such as a play, film, or work of art before it is shown to the public a sneak preview of next season s… … English dictionary
preview — pre|view1 [ˈpri:vju:] n 1.) an occasion when you can see a film, play, painting etc before it is shown to the public preview of ▪ a sneak preview of the new fashions for autumn ▪ the press preview of the show (=when people who write for… … Dictionary of contemporary English
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