Phi Beta Kappa
- Phi Beta Kappa
Le Phi Beta Kappa (ΦΒΚ) est un club estudiantin des États-Unis regroupant des élèves très brillants élus au cours de leur troisième ou quatrième année d'études universitaires ; un membre du club est un Phi Beta Kappa. Fondé le 5 décembre 1776 au College of William and Mary, il s'agit aujourd'hui du plus ancien et prestigieux club d'étudiants (bien que de tels clubs existassent déjà en 1776 au College of William and Mary et à l'Université Yale, il n'en reste plus aucun aujourd'hui) .
Le nom du club vient de l'expression grecque « Φιλοσοφία Βίου Κυβερνήτης » , philosophia biou kybernētēs, qui signifie « la philosophie pour diriger la vie » .
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Phi Beta Kappa — Schlüssel Phi Beta Kappa ist eine US amerikanische akademische Gemeinschaft, die im Jahr 1776 am College of William and Mary in Williamsburg in Virginia gegründet wurde. Sie gilt als älteste und angesehenste Honor Society bzw. studentische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Phi Beta Kappa — Phi Be|ta Kap|pa [ ,faı ,beıtə kæpə ] noun uncount a SOCIETY (=organization) in the U.S. for university and college students who have achieved very high grades a. count a member of Phi Beta Kappa … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Phi Beta Kappa — Phi Be•ta Kap•pa [[t]ˈfaɪ ˈbeɪ tə ˈkæp ə, ˈbi tə[/t]] n. 1) edu a national honor society composed of U.S. college students and graduates of high academic distinction: founded 1776 2) edu a member of Phi Beta Kappa … From formal English to slang
Phi Beta Kappa — undergraduate honorary society, 1776, from initials of Gk. philosophia biou kybernetes philosophy, guide of life … Etymology dictionary
Phi Beta Kappa — ☆ Phi Beta Kappa [fī΄ bāt΄ə kap′ə ] n. [< the initial letters of the Gr motto philosophia biou kybernētes, philosophy the guide of life] 1. an honorary society of U.S. college students in liberal arts and sciences with high scholastic rank:… … English World dictionary
Phi Beta Kappa — UK [ˌfaɪ ˌbiːtə ˈkæpə] / US [ˌfaɪ ˌbeɪtə ˈkæpə] noun Word forms Phi Beta Kappa : singular Phi Beta Kappa plural Phi Beta Kappas a) [uncountable] a society (= organization) in the US for university and college students who have achieved very high… … English dictionary
Phi Beta Kappa — noun Etymology: Phi Beta Kappa (Society), from phi + beta + kappa, initials of the society s Greek motto philosophia biou kybernētēs philosophy the guide of life Date: 1912 a person winning high scholastic distinction in an American college or… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Phi Beta Kappa — /fuy bay teuh kap euh, bee teuh/ 1. a national honor society, founded in 1776, whose members are chosen, for lifetime membership, usually from among college undergraduates of high academic distinction. 2. a member of Phi Beta Kappa. * * * Leading … Universalium
Phi Beta Kappa — Sociedad académica honorífica de primer nivel en EE.UU., que capta a sus miembros entre estudiantes de los colleges (colegios universitarios) y las universidades. Es la más antigua de estas sociedades de letras griegas en el país, y fue fundada… … Enciclopedia Universal
Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall — is a multi use building at the College of William Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. It contains the largest auditorium on the campus, containing two floors of seating. The building is home to art shows, musical acts, theatre, assemblies and… … Wikipedia